It's been a while since I've posted here at the League, but there's a good reason I'm popping in now. A GLIMPSE OF DARKNESS, the awesome collaborative short story that the amazing Stacia Kane and I co-wrote with Harry Connolly, Lara Adrian, and Lucy A. Snyder, is now available to purchase as an e-book!

You can check it out here at the Random House website.
Also, to help celebrate the release, each of us briefly blogged on the Kindle Daily Post about our experiences writing a collaborative story, as well as submitted questions to each other about the process. Check out the first post by Lara Adrian here.

You can check it out here at the Random House website.
Also, to help celebrate the release, each of us briefly blogged on the Kindle Daily Post about our experiences writing a collaborative story, as well as submitted questions to each other about the process. Check out the first post by Lara Adrian here.