
First off, I'd like to apologize about last month's blog post. I was so deep into revisions for A Trace of Moonlight that I completely forgot. (A few days later, I was like "Wasn't I supposed to...crap.")

The good news is that revisions for ToM are finally done and I'm just waiting for copy edits now. And playing catch-up with everything else. Speaking of ToM - there is a cover for it floating around on Amazon and elsewhere on the web - please note that cover was leaked and is not final. It's a pretty low quality image and as far as I know, my publisher is still working on a few of the changes I requested. When the official cover comes out, it will be up on my website ASAP.  :)

Otherwise, things are in a sort of lazy medium. I've started a few new projects, but I've given myself a couple of weeks to give my brain a bit of a rest. Which means that days like yesterday's Mother's Day was spent doing nothing but putting Lego Avenger kits together. (Well over 1000 pieces by the time I was done.) Simply because I could.  Well, that and Lego Loki.

Taking time for the small things, I suppose. I've got this head full of epic story but I'm still struggling to wrap my brain around what it is that I want to tell.

In the meantime, I'm happy to say that my collab Fox & Willow online graphic novel project is now officially up and running. We update every Monday and Thursday, so do check it out if you get the chance. I'm having a lot of fun with it!


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