Your Reading Assignments

X-posted from my Blog. It's been a while since I've pimped out a book anywhere other than Twitter/Facebook. What can I say? Busy trying to salvage a career here. I really don't want to sling fries with the pimple set. Ever. So I come out of my manuscript cloud (picture letters and crumpled paper flying around the room like a monkey flings its own crap), to talk about a book and a series that I REALLY love. I'm talking about Stacia Kane's UNHOLY GHOSTS . Stace and I met, like so many authors, online and hit it off, probably because we're both very, very wrong. She and I were founding members of the League of Reluctant Adults--way back when there were just five of us--and started beta reading each other's shit. Which brings me back to UNHOLY GHOSTS . I've had the chance to read all three of the books in the series (the other two are UNHOLY MAGIC and CITY OF GHOSTS) and I'm here to tell you, this is groundbreaking stuff. Now, I'm not a HUGE fan of ...