Yay for us!
First of all, I want to say how much I enjoyed all the guest bloggers during Zombie Week. Such entertaining, great stuff. If I'm honest, I've never really thought much about zombies. I don't watch many horror films because I'm a big pansy, and I've not read a lot of zombie fiction, until reading Mark's books. That said, all of the blogs posted during Zombie Week have inspired my increased interest in this subject. On an entirely different note, I am going to use this blog post to talk about how excited I am to be an urban fantasy writer. Not least because it seems to be a good time to be one. I go to my local Barnes & Noble about once a week, to wander around and fondle the books. Two weeks ago, when I went, there was a large table set up near the cash registers that was labelled "Dark Fantasy," and which had about 20 selections, including quite a few Urban Fantasy writers. This table was in addition to the usual sci-fi/fantasy section at t