My shocking and woeful cover drama...and yet another new cover!

Cross-posted from the Thrillionth page... So, as I told everybody in tarnation on Wednesday, Mr. Real got an awesome new cover! And now I’m not going to use it!! Not the new cover anymore! I was so excited about the cover, too! Because the angsty guy image captured the sweaty and muscular and tortured nature of my athletic hero, Paul. My fabulous designer and I were so psyched to find him. ( Su of Earthly Charms , who I can’t recommend enough! She is amazing!) We got the angsty guy image from a royalty-free stock site, where you look for pictures you like and then pay for the rights to use them. It’s where pretty much everyone who doesn’t have thousands of dollars to spend on a live model shoot or exclusive custom art or photography gets their images. The thing is, different people can pay to use the same photo. That’s why you often see the same images on different books. And why you see funny posts like this one that my naughty friend Ch...