The Horror!

So the Oscars were last night. Did you watch? I caught the last hour or so. In other words, the good awards. But since this is a group blog for writers and fans of paranormal and speculative fiction I have to ask:

What did you think of the tribute to horror?

I think it's awesome they even included it in the program.


Why in the hell did they include a clip from New Moon in the montage? Seriously?

What say you Leaguers?


I read the Twilight books(what can I say, I'm a genre whore)and enjoyed them- the movies- not so much. If Hollywood thinks this teen romance angst is horror, we're in for some sh*** films is all I can say.
Unknown said…
I was glad to see the horror nod but was more aghast that they forgot to add Farrah Fawcet to the list of recently deceased. I know, shows you where my loyalties lie.
I was too busy staring at the ghost of Judd Nelson to notice any of that, honestly.
Patti K. said…
I agree! Michael Jackson was a music star but not a movie star and he was recognized. Farrah was in movies I can't believe they overlooked her.
Jaye Wells said…
Lisa, I have nothing against the books or the movies personally, but you're right. Teen angst is scary but it ain't horror.

Jackie, I totally missed him. Off to Google.

Pike and Patti, I agree, the Farrah omission was shameful.
Becky LeJeune said…
Yep, I enjoyed the horror tribute. We all kind of went, "New Moon's not horror, especially not that scene" when it played.

Personally, afterwards I found it to be sort of an annoying slap in the face since the whole point was that it had been DECADES since a horror film had the illustrious honor of being noticed by the academy. Ah well, horror fans still love 'em!
Jeanne Stein said…
have to admit I haven't watched the Oscars since John Wayne was awarded the best actor for True Grit over Dustin Hoffman and Jon Voight both up for Midnight Cowboy....

I can REALLY hold a grudge...

Jaye--not ghost in the literal sense, more in the "what beatnick homeless man did you possess" kind of way.

Jeanne--ha! Yes, that's one helluva grudge.
Anonymous said…
Ummm... I honestly can't say if I've ever watched the oscars.

Dakota hangs her head in despair-I'm so not up on TV. o_O At all.
Thomas said…
Sorry, was too busy reading...was it the oscars all ready? Wow. I'd ask who won, but, I really don't care.
Marcia Colette said…
There was a horror montage and I missed it? Damn!

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