Happy Official Release Day, Tracking the Tempest!

It's that time of year again, when selkie-halflings come out to play! Today's the official release day of Jane True, Book 2: Tracking the Tempest!

And because I love the League and everybody in it, I'm running you your own, special contest! Here's a picture of the prize pack:

Just like on the contest at my own website (which you can enter along with this one), this prize pack includes Things Jane Likes. This can be broken down (in no particular order) into: Swimming, home, food, sex, and reading.

Swimming: You get a postcard of the Old Sow, direct from Eastport.

Home: A pirate-themed magnet from Eastport, Maine.

Food: A cookbook from my favorite celebrity chef, Ina Garten

Sex: Saucy post-it notes, From Him and From Her

Reading: A 25$ gift card to Barnes and Noble

There’s also a little map of Boston, so you can follow Jane’s adventures in Tracking the Tempest.

All very fun, and all very Jane.

You can enter the contest in the following ways:

(x1 entry) Comment on this post to be entered automatically

(x5 entries each for each copy) Show me proof you’ve bought Tempest OR Tracking (email to iheartselkiesATgmailDOTcom a photo or screenshot of a receipt or a picture of the book at home–let me know whether or not I can post it on the blog if it’s a picture of the book at home)

(x3 entries each for each book) To show my League Love: Show me proof you’ve bought any of my fellow Leaguers MOST RECENT RELEASES (email to iheartselkiesATgmailDOTcom a photo or screenshot of a receipt or a picture of the books at home). This is only for their MOST RECENT releases, not every book they've ever written, so check the sidebar or their author websites to figure out which you need to buy/use.

(x3 entries each) Provide in comments links to reviews of Tracking the Tempest OR Tempest Rising you’ve done on your blog, Amazon, Goodreads, etc.

(x2 entries each) Follow me on Twitter or Facebook (if you already follow me, just let me know)

(x1 entry each medium) for pimping this post (Facebook, Twitter, blog post, etc)

I will choose a winner at random on Monday, July 26th at 12:00 Eastern time. Contest is international, cuz I love my non-American fans just as much.

To my established fans (all 13 of you :-) ): thank you SO MUCH for your support and kind words. You guys make this writing gig worth it!

And to people new to this site: Thanks for coming by and I hope you like it here. Jane’s got lots of adventures to come, as do all my fellow authors. We hope you’ll come along for the ride!

Finally, to my fellow Leaguers: I honestly couldn't dream of having done this without you. I'd have lost my marbles months ago without you. For realz, yo.



Unknown said…
Congrats on your release!

+2 Follow me on Twitter or Facebook (@intensewhisper)

+1 Retweeted: http://twitter.com/IntenseWhisper/status/17509118851

robin [at] intensewhisper [dot] com
Becky LeJeune said…
Yay for release day!

x2 -- follower on Facebook

x3 -- blog review of Tempest: http://nomoregrumpybookseller.blogspot.com/2009/12/new-urban-fantasy-series-you-wont-want.html

x1 -- blog post pimping contest

x5 -- pic of my copy of Tracking the Tempest (at home)

x3 (each) -- pics of my copies of Mario Acevedo's latest, Molly Harper's latest, and Diana Rowland's latest (at home)
Erika Powell said…
Congrats on the release!
I follow on twitter and tweeted

Congrats on release day!!

Posted contest info at my blog: http://jessica-agretread.blogspot.com
Dawn said…
Happy Release Week! I loved Tracking the Tempest and can't wait for Tempest's Legacy.

x1 - this comment

x2 - follow you on Twitter

I will email photos of my copies of the Jane books and the other Leaguer's books.

Thank you for the great contests.
Barbara E. said…
Yeah for Release Day! Can't wait to get my copy of Tracking the Tempest!

x1 Comment
X5 Pic of Tempest Rising at home
x9 Pic of Three Days to Dead, Come Hell or High Water, Mage in Black
x3 Review of TR on Goodreads:http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6389874-tempest-rising
x2 Already follow you on Twitter
Anonymous said…
follow you on twitter...
Ellz said…
Nicole, yippee. I am reading right now. So what book series was the gift to the neighborhood succubus? I was thinking DRowland, but the covers don't match. Anyone particular?
Okay, so here I am again entering. :) This sounds like a wonderful package to win. Have to enter for it.

Great Giveaway!! :) These are great items to win. ;) Hope Tracking finds the world as loving as possible. :) Best of luck to Jane and company once again. (Including that person named Nicole Peeler... who ever she is. ;D)

+1 Commenting on post

+5 Proof of Purchase. I will be sending that pic here shortly to you. :)

+3 Link to Review(s) I have it posted in a few different places for you:
Blog - http://melissa-melsworld.blogspot.com/2010/06/book-review-tracking-tempest.html
Amazon - http://www.amazon.com/gp/cdp/member-reviews/A1XOYBQ8X25P8M/ref=cm_pdp_rev_title_1?ie=UTF8&sort_by=MostRecentReview#R36Y4WIN2X4Z6Q
LibraryThing - Melhay - http://www.librarything.com/work/9144520/book/55643954
Goodreads - http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/7556058-tracking-the-tempest
Barnes n Nobles - (melhay) http://my.barnesandnoble.com/reviews-ratings-Melhay/id/1413279/

+2 Follower on twitter (@mellhay)

+1 for Pimping the giveaway. http://twitter.com/MelLHay/status/17537575632

Total +12

Well, I like to share the books review everywhere with everyone. :)
Van Pham said…
Congratulations on the book release!

+1 comment
+2 Facebook friend :)

Hawkeyegirl said…

Follow you on facebook and twitter! (hawkeyegirl)

So excited for you, the books sounds great!
Bookwyrm369 said…
This is an awesome prize pack and I can't wait to start reading the first book!

Dina said…
+1 comment
+2 friended you on FB
+2 follow you twitter
+1 posted on FB:http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=584925454
+1 tweeted: http://twitter.com/dlsmilad
+1 posted on my blog:http://dinasthoughtblog.blogspot.com/

donnas said…
Congrats on the release!!

+1 comment
+2 FB Friend
+2 twitter follower
+1 sidebar - http://donnasbloghome.blogspot.com/
+1 blog post - http://donnasbloghome.blogspot.com/2010/07/contest-links-for-74.html
+1 tweet - http://twitter.com/DonnaS1/statuses/17768788431

bacchus76 at myself dot com
Here are my reviews for Tracking the Tempest; blogger: http://jessica-agreatread.blogspot.com/2010/07/review-tracking-tempest.html

goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/7556058-tracking-the-tempest

And here's a review for Tempest Rising on blogger: http://jessica-agreatread.blogspot.com/2009/12/tempest-rising.html
heatwave16 said…
I picked up my copy this weekend. Can't wait to check it out.

Already follow on facebook & twitter - @heatwave316

pimpage - http://twitter.com/Heatwave316/status/17833893667
CrystalGB said…
Congratulations Nicole on your new release.
I follow you on twitter @crystalgb.
I sent a friend request on Facebook. Crystal Br...

Pamk said…
congrats on your new release.
I follow you on facebook and twiiter
scrtsbpal @ yahoo dot com
Teril said…
Sweet package!
I loved the first book and cannot wait for payday for the next.
Enter me in this Jane pack and I can relax and read and follow along!
Can't Wait!
throuthehaze said…
+1 Congrats on the release!

+10 sent proof for both books

+9 sent proof of 3 books

+3 Review of Tempest Rising:

+2 follow on twitter @throuthehaze

+2 Facebook friend-Rae Pavey

throuthehaze at gmail dot com
Ellz said…
showed book in pic with other League books...

review links…
1. http://ellzreadz.blogspot.com/2010/07/review-tracking-tempest.html
2. http://www.amazon.com/gp/cdp/member-reviews/AQ25UZZD63QZW/ref=cm_pdp_rev_title_1?ie=UTF8&sort_by=MostRecentReview#R2B14JS9PTM42C
3. http://my.barnesandnoble.com/communityportal/review.aspx?reviewid=1424495
4. http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/7556058-tracking-the-tempest

already stalk on facebook and twitter

tweet http://twitter.com/EllzReadz/status/19076814296

Emily H. said…
I tweeted:


Great contest!
jeanette8042 said…
Congrats on the release!

x2 follow on Facebook/Jeanette Juan

lilazncutie1215 at yahoo dot com

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