The League of Reluctant Wieners!

As I explained over at my own blog, I couldn't use the Contest Can to choose today's weiner, as I have NO IDEA WHERE IT IS. I know it's in a box in my office . . . and that's all.

So I had to use a randomizer to choose today's Lovely Wiener of my Tracking the Tempest Prize:

And the wiener is . . . . DAWN! Congratulations, Dawn! And thanks to everyone for the marvelous photos and comments. Both Jane and I appreciate them very much.

Dawn, you can email at iheartselkies(at)gmail(dot)com. I do warn you: I won't be sending out the prize right away, just because it's probably in the same box as the Contest Can. But once I've found it, I'll send it off right away, I promise!

Thanks again for everyone who played . . . I hope you enjoy more Jane!


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