My new book trailer!

Okay, my book trailer is finally finished! Well! This was like a fun art project where my OCD perfectionist editor ran wild! Quick watch it before I take it down and make a completely different one. (I'm just kidding. I won't do that. I have other things to do. Like write books! Where's my pen?)

Some very kind twitter pals totally volunteered to be my beta watchers, back when this thing was even longer and had slow, porny music. And other problems, not that it doesn't now, but it's not the fault of: Joe Alfano (Zombie Joe), Renee Vincent, Closetreader Lea (Toriaimeegirl), Katiebabs, LB Gregg, MagdelenB, Melissa (MelLHay), Jo Evans (girljo) and Debs (debsholloway)! Thanks for beta-watching and giving feedback you guys!!


Nicole Peeler said…
THIS IS SO GOOD! I love it! Well done! Oftentimes I wanna blow my brains out after a book trailer, but this makes me want to MAKE OUT WITH YOU.
SusiSunshine said…
I love it! Wonderful and Bf approves too.
Great cover for book 3 btw! ;)
Carolyn Crane said…
Nicole: LOL. Kiss kiss

Susi: Do you think they'll go for my title idea?
SusiSunshine said…
LOL that would be hilarious...I would buy it ASAP!

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