Sneak Peak at A Sliver of Shadow

Well, the cover hasn't been "officially" released yet, but I've been given the go ahead to give away cover flats, so here's a quick shot of the new A Sliver of Shadow cover!

New model, new artist...and yes, a shot of Phin on the back there.  Though for some reason I couldn't convince the art department to put him in a wombat brothel. Alas.

(There's actually a bit of a gork-up on the image on the spine, but that will be fixed with the book release, so chalk these up babies up to potential collector's items. You know, some day when I've got that massive movie deal.)


Anonymous said…
Oh dude, that is so awesome!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!
Teril said…
freaking fantabulous cover! I cannot wait.
Tez Miller said…
Maybe they're saving the wombat brothel for Book 3's cover ;-)
B.E. Sanderson said…
Oooo, pretty pretty! Seriously awesome cover, Allison. Congratulations.
Sharon Stogner said…
that is a seriously awesome cover:) congrats
Unknown said…
Awesome. I was just looking for the cover as we got in our ARC this week. Thanks for posting.

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