Book Club Numero Uno: Heart of Stone by C.E. Murphy
I've got some exciting news, all through out the week, Catie (that's C.E. Murphy to you hambones) will be stopping by to answer questions, add commentary and just generally hang out.
So...we're all set up in the League Lounge, Stacia's mixing up a pitcher of mojitos (I know it's early. Writers, heh-heh) and the conversation pit is all warmed up.
Let's start with some ground rules.
As I said when I first announced the League's Book Club, the purpose is not to find out whether you like a book or not (we don't care), it's to talk about the emotions and thoughts that resonate from the experience of reading. In our case, we're going to be lookin' to have fun with themes, characters that remind us what goobers we are, and situations that trigger memories.
1. The first rule of book club, don't talk about...oh wait...yeah talk about it, let people know what we're doing here. We're like the frickin' Mother Theresa's of Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romance!
2. No author bashing. Most of our readers are also writers, you know how hard it is to get these words down, let alone into sellable shape. Bashing is just bad form.
3. Please limit your profanity to acceptable levels.
4. Arguments won't be tolerated. If anyone gets snippy, they're gonna get deleted...or worse.
Remember. Be nice and we won't have to call Gary the Hellspawn to...correct you.
Feel free to ask new questions as we go, but we'll start a topic each day this week and try to keep it rolling all day long, either in the comments or as an update to the daily club post. So keep checking back.
Question #1: Who was your favorite Heart of Stone character? Why? Is there a specific quality that resonates with you?
There you be...let's go!