Beach Blanket Bloodbath Hits Da Skreets

BEACH BLANKET BLOODBATH hit the streets over the weekend, two days early (believe me, I was just as surprised as anyone). And it's already hitting the lists (#12 in Satire, #55 in Urban Fantasy).

Here's what's the dillio: 

Zombie socialite, Amanda Feral, and her undead friends, Wendy and Gil, shamble into an idyllic seaside village for an event promoting Amanda's memoir, HAPPY HOUR OF THE DAMNED and, as usual, to get some rest, relaxation and consume cute coastal townsfolk. As is their unique luck, plans are derailed when they become embroiled in a gory mystery at the Miss Sand Flea Pageant. Beset with perky, sinister go-go dancers, the inevitable wereshark attack and an annoying octogenarian writer, Amanda must, once again, take time out of her busy schedule of critique and ridicule to solve the crime and save a local bookseller from ruin.

You can pick it up now (except not at B&N or iBooks, because ::shrug:: I have no idea why they're so slow)...

To celebrate the release, I'm throwing a huge three day LAUNCH BASH on Facebook. If you've never attended one of these, I can only describe it all out debauchery! Tons of authors hosting chats and doing giveaways and me playing drunken host/DJ/bartender. So mark your calendars! Swing by any or all of the chats and comment to be entered into the contests!

Who'll be there? Here's the list:

Mario AcevedoMichele BardsleyDakota CassidyDelilah S. Dawson,Renee GeorgeJess HainesLiliana HartJodi LintonNicole PeelerRobyn Peterman ZahnSusannah ScottSamantha SommersbyJeanne C. Stein,Jeff StrandJaye Wells, and Sabrina York

It all starts at 10 AM pacific time! So be there or be zombie food.

And for those of y'all that are already playing the home game (i.e., the Blowout over on FB)'s that PRIZE FORM!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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