
I haven't been there for you like I usually am. I'm sorry. That's all gonna change after daddy finishes this manuscript. Or the next one maybe. I'm nearly done with Joe Barkley and Battle of the Network Zombies is looming (the art department wants suggestions by the 2nd of January).

But first I need to finish.

You know what helps that? Not new music, that's for sure.

I loaded Pandora onto my iPod and now, every few minutes I'm like who's that new yummy band I can't live without another second? This morning I've been listening to the Cocteau Twins station and now I'm loving Autumn's Gray Solace, Stars and The High Violets. I'm in full blown Nugaze.

Now you can be too...

Assuming you're into it. Are you?

Now I must get back to the manuscript and happy suicides, old things and human tetherballs!


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