I've Got a Yule Log For You...

...or book buying suggestions as the case may be. As well as, some places to go visit your favorite League authors this holiday season.

As you know, this is the time of year that bloggers get lazy, you've seen it here at the League, too. I think last year we even shut down for a month during the holidays. We haven't gone to that extreme this year, but I imagine the posts will be few and far between. Still for you stragglers there'll be stuff for you.

In the meantime, and I know you've done your best to finish all your holiday shopping in a timely and efficient manner, for those of you who've forgotten to get presents for the League of Reluctant Adults, I offer a solution!


There's no better way to show your love and affection than to tell our publishers how in demand our books are, and they listen--you bet your ass, they do. Publishers determine lots of things off preorders, like print runs and other stuff I don't understand.

So, here's a handy little clicky picture thing (in alphabetical order, lest people get grouchy)...

...and since Demon Inside isn't on pre-order yet, why not pick up a copy (or two) of...

Now...I don't know how many League readers jump on over to Urban Fantasy Land, but you should over the coming days. Jeremy, Jaye, Stacia and me (Mark) have already dropped our yule logs of holiday cheer in Lindsay's pool. Won't you go read how we spend our holidays? And for the love of all that's holy leave a comment or two to show UFL some love.

That's all I got.

Happy Holidays folks!


Anonymous said…
I should not look at this post. NOOOO!!!! Okay, so I have at least three of the books sitting on my review pile, but still....I'll want to get my hands on the other ones!!!

Merry Christmas League!
Anonymous said…
Book teases!!! damned white stuff has kept me from some holiday shopping. And that's a tempting stack of goodness. Gots to make some post x-mas plans.
Anonymous said…
Yay! My cover is the only one with a guy's naked torso! With lipstick marks! Who would have guessed???

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