Ever wondered why urban fantasy is so hot right now? Check out Lilith Saintcrow's theory. Imagine me nodding vigorously and pumping my fist in the air. Hell yes, lady.


Anonymous said…
Fun read. Thanks for the link. The comments are interesting too...
Anonymous said…
Ericka, don't get me started on the comments.
Anonymous said…
Oh, come on, Jaye. Comment on the comments. Some of them have really BIG stucks stuck up their asses. Sheeze. Elitist pigs.

Tom Gallier
Anonymous said…
"Thoughtful article begats long-winded ideological diatribes. So very surprising and on the internet of all places!"

LOL. This pretty much sums up my reaction to the comments as well.
Anonymous said…
Wild fun article. I've read a number of Lilith's bits and she does come off strong on her opinion - and she has every right to be. She puts out plenty of great books within the genre (I read Night Shift a couple of months ago and totally devoured it!) What the hell was with some of those comments?

Anyways, loved her assessment and the nod to good ole Mack Bolan.
Anonymous said…
Tom, I prefer to silently judge.
Anonymous said…
I agreed with a good portion of the article, but I did take issue with a few of Lilith's points.

1. When I think of UF, the first person I think of is Harry Dresden. He's not a chick in leather pants.

2. You couldn't pay my heroine to wear leather pants. It's jeans or nothin'.

3. The idea that heroines in Paranormal Romance are always weaker than heroines in UF. I've read some PNR heroines who'd hand some UF heroines their asses. :)

But for the most part, good article. And yeah, the comments have gotten...ah, interesting.

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