The Lowdown and Dirty on the Shreveport Smackdown

See the carnage unveiled here, in all it's shameful truth.

And enjoy.


GB said…
Thanks for the report, Nicole. It looked like a lot of fun... erm... I mean, it looked really scary and violent and I'm glad there were photos!

But who won???
Nicole Peeler said…
I think the bar where we bathed our battle wounds in whisky and beer won.
Thom said…
For some reason, that made me think that someone should do an illustration of Lucifer Being Cast Out Of Heaven By Michael, only instead of flaming swords and angelic armies, it involves a lot of hair pulling and slapping.

By someone, I mean me.

It has possibilities in any case.
Thom said…
Done. Check your Book of Faces, you two crazy kids :)

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