I've Been Released! WOO HOO!

Hello my friends! Today is the official release of my debut novel, Tempest Rising. It's all very exciting, and I'm celebrating by going crazy . . . with work! For book three is due in a few months, and I'm having WAY too much fun writing this thing. I think I am finally getting the hang of this fiction dealie, and Tempest's Legacy is coming on a treat.
In the mean time, don't forget there's still a contest in the works over at my site, and TWO $25 gift certificates are still up for grabs!
I've also been keeping track of all the reviews that are posted of TR, here, so if you're not sure whether or not you want to read it, maybe these opinions will help.
There's also going to be some more cool stuff coming at my site, including some shenanigans with the
AMAZING Gail Carriger, author of Soulless, the book to most recently rock my casbah. I'm also planning a rather outrageous contest with prizes donated by my awesome colleagues here at the league, with Dakota Cassidy hosting. Finally, for those of you in the Arklatex area, don't forget that Jaye Wells and I are kicking it old school here at the Shreveport Barnes and Noble on November 7th. There will be cookies, snark, prizes, some readings, more snark, and then a signing! Which can involve snark, at your request. Come on over and see us!
So Tempest Rising is launched! Let the count down to Tracking the Tempest Begin!
Elie (Ellz Readz)
Love & Best Wishes!
I blogged about it for you.
It's your new theme song ;)
I'm going to swing by one of our beloved local indie bookstores today and see if they still have a copy
Eda: You're right, it IS THE BEST BOOK EVER WRITTEN. Thanks so much for that. I do accept diamonds. You're a dear!
Thom: I can't get it to work! Email it to me?