Authors After Dark mini update

Sorry this isn't going to be much of a post but I'm trying to type it up from a borrowed iPad since I'm a bit too lazy to actually fire up my laptop. Anyway, I've spent the last fees days hanging in Philly for the Authors After Dark con.

As cons go this was one of the more intimate ones that I've been to, but It was nice because I got a lot more one on one time with readers and fans that I might not have run into in a larger venue. I also got to be on my first set of panels. As a first timer I can really appreciate the more laid back atmosphere that AAD provided. Far less intimating than I thought - plus I had the added bonus of being able to talk pretty freely about a certain panty-sniffing unicorn. (Oddly enough I had questions about him even on panels I wasn't actually attending!)

The only real bump so far was pulling into the parking garage the first morning and hearing my brakes start thumping. (I actually took it to a local dealership today. Good news is I can drive home on Sunday. Bad news is that it's going to cost me $2000 to fix. )

But overall I've had a very good time (and I got to meet fellow Leaguers Anton Strout, Carolyn Crane and Dakota Cassidy for the first time too. Yes the little things get me excited.)

At any rate, things wrapped up nicely with the steam punk ball this evening (I'll try to find some shots of me running around in my costume for next time) and I'm going to go pass out now. :)


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