Bullwhip and Taser at the ready.

The League is poised to strike Denver this weekend. Nicole Peeler and Jeanne Stein , plus Kimberly Frost , threaten to ravish my fair city in a One-Two-Three literary throw down. Eins . The Denver Public Library through their Fresh City Life program hosts Mucho Mojo, Urban Fantasy Authors Hex You Up! Don't let the title fool you, it's really an excuse for boozin' and depravity as the authors read the dirtiest passages of one another's books. If we don't get arrested for public lewdness, it's because we didn't try hard enough. The raunch happens Thursday, Aug 4, 7-9pm , at MadWine, 1200 Acoma St, Denver. Don't believe me, then read this pimpage from Westword . Zwei . RomCon 2011 ! Suffice it to say, what happens at con, stays at con . Enough said. Heh, heh, heh. Drei . If you thought three UF authors was enough awesomeness to go thermonuclear critical, then imagine the damage potential of five writers when Lizzie T Leaf and Melissa Mayhue join in! S...