My AAD stress dreams, and leaguers in New Orleans!

So, a number of us leaguers will be at the Authors After Dark conference in New Orleans this coming week--Nicole Peeler, Diana Rowland, Allison Pang, Kelly Meding, Mark Henry, Dakota Cassidy, Jaye Wells and yours truly. (did I get everybody??) 

So, if you're in the New Orleans area, you should totally come to the big public book signing--it's on Saturday August 11th from 2-4 at the Royal Sonesta Hotel. We'll all be there signing books with a boatload of other authors.  

I'm really looking forward to it! However, I realized I must be really stressed out about being ready for it becuase I just tossed and turned all night. Here, some brief scenes from my stress dreams:

1. Distracted by a surprise meeting with Nicole Peeler at the New Orleans airport, I forget to meet my galpal Julie at our arranged rendezvous time for our ride together from the airport to the hotel.

2. Julie does not make it to the conference for two whole days, something I only realize when I notice mobs of people are mysteriously angry at me. Noooo! Must head back to the airport to find Julie!

3. I have four back-to-back panels starting in five minutes that I haven't prepared for.

4. I can't find the schedule of panels anyway.

5. When I find the schedule, the hotel layout makes no sense. Thanks a lot, Stella, for booking a hotel designed by M.C. Escher!

Gah! This type of hotel layout
makes it REALLY hard to get to your panels!

6. I only brought this one black dress to wear, and it is full of cat hair.

7. All the panels are in one large room, with lots of people sitting at tables, and I don't know anybody there.

8. I go through the whole conference not seeing any of my league buddies, except, of course, evilly distracting Nicole, who started all the trouble in the first place.

Needless to say, I am not ready, and I have a million things to complete before I can even start to get ready! I shouldn't even be blogging right now. Even typing this right now, my chest tightens up and I forget to breath. Nevertheless, I am really excited. Don't worry, Julie, I won't leave you at the airport!!

image: Isometric Flaw by Icey, from Wikipedia Commons


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