Who likes prizes? YOU do!

Ah, the life of a successful, fat, rich author! Well, I've got the fat part down anyway...

So I've been thinking about how to best advertise the upcoming release of Deader Still on 2/24 since my publisher has yet to deem me worthy of being plastered on the sides of buses or billed on boards across the country. Apparently, advertising consists of at least three things: creativity, money and time.

Two of those I don't have. I'll leave it up to you which two they are.

BUT what I do have, my gentle undead approved readers, is you. And because of that… it's contest time!

I've been watching a lot of Mad Men lately on the iPod, that series about ad men in the 60's who chain smoke and drink like it's, well, the 60's. So with that in mind...

Make an ad for me! It can be anything: a mock-up ad, a YouTube video, cartoon style, comic bookish, anything that I can use for promotional purposes to help make people chomp at the bit for the next book in the series. Anything your demented minds can dream up. And as further incentive, other than winning my undying love, there will be prizes!

Signed copies of Dead to Me and Deader Still, signed rare advanced reading copies, cover flats, and perhaps a gift card or two to fill your grubby little hands with more books. Depending on how many entrants there are, I may create several categories for judgment.

There's a good chance I can hit a bestseller list or two with this one, and I'd love your help in getting the word out. And you get cool stuff in return!

The deadline for submission is February 1st. I'm going to limit the contest to entrants within the United States. Sorry, my international friends, but oversea shipping is a killer to me right now.

Please send any questions or entries to me with the subject line "Deader Still Ad Contest" to: anton.strout@gmail.com.

I look forward to see what madness you come up with. I pride myself on the savvy cleverness of my readers (and their sexiness), so don't let me down!

Deader Still Promo


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