The Shreveport Smackdown

As many of your are aware, our own Dr. Peeler's Tempest Rising is hitting stands on November 1. This is exciting because Nicole's one of the League's debutantes, and we're always excited when one of our own pops their cherry has a big debut book launch.

To help Nicole celebrate this auspicious occasion, I'll be heading to Shreveport on November 7 for a joint signing at the Barnes & Noble. Yes, apparently there's only one in Shreveport. Anyway, here's the deal: Nicole thinks this is going to be a typical joint signing--readings, Q&A, etc. But the truth is, I'm a little pissed that Dr. Peeler's been spreading dirty rotten lies all over the internet about how selkies are better than vampires.

I think we all know vampires rawk the most. Would you rather have an immortal with fangs get your back in a fight ... or a seal? I thought so. Also, I'm pretty sure I can take Nicole. She's feisty and agile, but I've given birth to a twelve-pound baby so I'm pretty much immune to pain. Plus, I can rap the Beastie Boys like no other, unlike some people whose rapping sounds like a dolphins getting sodomized. Just sayin'.

So the truth is I'm heading down to Shreveport to challenge Dr. Peeler to a cage match of epic proportions. It's the ultimate show down to decide once and for all whether vampires or selkies will reign supreme in urban fantasy. Think cat fight, except with more F-bombs and snark.

Place your bets now, ladies and gents.


GB said…
Oh, to be in Shreveport that weekend...

Will there be video? Please, let there be some video for us poor sods who can't get there to witness the smackdown.
Jaye Wells said…
JD, you make a valid point. We'll see what we can do.
Nicole Peeler said…
Thanks Jaye! I'm both touched and TERRIFIED.

Seriously. I'm shaking in my boots. The boots in which I'll KICK YO' VAMPIRES ASS WITH MY SEAL CLAP O' DOOM.

And JD: There is totally going to be video. I am ON IT. ;-)
Unknown said…
Two redheads in the ring - sounds like a party! :) May the best woman win.
Jaye Wells said…
Oh, Nicole. The Clap? That's the best you got?
Ellz said…
LOL, I wish I could be there. HMMM, who can throw down better?
Suzan Harden said…
Thanks, Jaye. I now have root beer all over my couch.
Anonymous said…
Oh can't wait to see the video LOL

I'll give the selkies a chance but it's going to be a tough sale--I go all soft at the mere mention of vampires. Ahhhhh :o)
Unknown said…
Watch out Jaye. She could be alluding to THE clap. Truly, the seal clap of doom!
Heather C said…
I can't wait for the video. Its a little far to travel from Indiana. Interesting fight...never underestimate a motivated seal. :)
Lale said…
It's going to be Shrek's puss in boots all over again. I mean, who can resist those cute liquid black seal eyes?

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