Gosh, look at this small box of SHADES OF GRAY advance reading copies. I don't need them, because hell, I know what's in the book.

Guess that means I should do a contest or something...

Who's your favorite superhero (or supervillain) -- and why? I'll pick a winner at random on Wednesday, April 7, 2010. And I'll even throw in a copy of BLACK AND WHITE.

Have at it!


Rev. Bob said…
Favorite superhero's gotta be Spider-Man. He's a gadget geek like Batman, uses webbing with almost as much versatility as Green Lantern does his ring, married a supermodel actress, and is respected by damn near all of his peers. Despite being able to stick to walls, sense danger, and lift several tons, it's usually his brain that saves the day; he doesn't rely on his powers to carry him. Besides all that, he's still got problems to cope with like the rest of us, but he still manages to be a world-class smartass under fire. You just can't top that for pure cool.

There are very good reasons that Spidey symbolizes the Marvel universe - and I mean that literally; look at the Direct Market UPC boxes from the 80s and 90s, and you'll see his mask more than any other emblem. Other characters may come close or beat him in individual aspects (She-Hulk's attitude, Batman's sleuthing, Reed Richards's brain, Hulk's brawn, Johnny Storm's taste in women), but for the whole deal, you just can't beat the webhead.
Deborah Blake said…
I always liked Wonder Woman, myself. Still looking for a pair of those bracelets. Although I'm not sure I'd look that good in the costume.

But she was a tough, strong woman back when there weren't many. Rock on, Wonder Woman!
WickedLilPixie said…
Loved Cat Woman, I mean who else could look so damn good in that cat suit! And Ertha Kitts voice, wow!
Lori said…
I'm going to cheat and say that my 8 year old daughter's favorite villian is Mr. Freeze from Batman and so he's mine too. I don't know what the fascination is but...

My freezer is filled with frozen super-heroes. Really. My daughter has taken all these little super-hero toys and frozen them in cups of water and then peels the paper cup off and we have hero in ice. I have 3 Batmans, a robin, a Red X and a Nightwing in my freezer currently.

And I love it.
K.A. Stewart said…
This has spawned a huge debate with my hubby over what does or does not constitute a super hero. I think we've come down to his favorites being any super hero that has to train and work hard to be what they are.

His first choice was Batman, followed quickly by Captain America. (though Captain America had the super-soldier serum, originally, which means he technically DID have powers, but... You see where this went)
Jamoevo said…
My favourite super hero is more than likely Phoenix from x-men. I just love her powers so much, they're pretty awesome.
Keslynn said…
My favorite superhero is Buffy (the Vampire Slayer). Who else could kick so much ass and still keep up with the latest fashions? Plus, she saved the world a lot.
Carolin said…
Hmmm, I think my favourite superhero would have to be Xena! =) Does she count? hehe
Giada M. said…
My favourite supervillain is Sylar (from Heroes)! Smart, handsome and terribly perfidious!You've got to love him! :P

Thank you for this awesome contest!

Giada M
fabgiada @
Lexie said…
THE FLASH. As in Barry Allen not that wuss who needs to be taught a severe lesson in heroics Wally West (or Bart Allen, who I love in all other ways except in his tenure as the Flash). Not even Jay Garrick, who's fun, but not my Flash.

From the time I was a young girl Barry Allen has proven to me what a good, decent, (mostly) law-abiding Geek can accomplish if given the chance. There's no two ways about it--Barry Allen was a true Geek. Bow tie and everything. Even as The Flash, he still had his fanboy moments (like when he helped to rescue Jay Garrick, or any of the multiple races he raced against Superman) and he had charm.

Not to mention that, despite the recent horrendous retconning of his character by DCU in which he helped to brainwash scores of villains (Dear DC: Not every Hero needs to have immense ANGST), he believed in humanity even when the worst of his foes wronged him. Except maybe the Reverse Flash killing his wife Iris, that was kind of unforgivable, and he went off the deep end pretty spectacularly, but Iris West was his true love so I think we can forgive him.

...i'm going to stop fangirl'ing now.

Angela Magee said…
Iceman is my fave superhero because pre-teen crushes die hard! Bobby Drake was funny on Spidey and his Amazing Friends, and drawn cute as a cartoon could get in the old XFactor comics. His ice slides still melt my heart.
Jackie said…
Jumping in to say that we have a hattip or two to Ice Man in SHADES OF GRAY. :D
Lale said…
Gambit. It's the accent!
Leslee said…
My son's favorite hero is Robin and his favorite villian is Mr. Freeze. When we play Lego Batman he keeps freezing me! My favorite hero is a toss up between Gambit, Nightcrawler, and Batman. Favorite villians are Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, and Phoenix when she goes bad.
Suzan Harden said…
I'd have to go with Rogue of the X-Men. Teen years are hard enough trying to figure out who you are. The poor kid's had other people running around in her noggin. ANd it takes a lot of emotional strength to Leave your super-powered, terrorist foster mom.
He-man! "I have the Power!" He wasn't a violent super hero and was always willing to work out a problem with words rather than weapons.

alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com
(='.'=) Happy Easter from Bun!
Barbara E. said…
I always loved Daredevil - I know, not a super popular super hero, but I loved that even though he was blind, he could use his other heightened senses to fight evil doers.
Sarah said…
I think I'd have to pick Wolverine - I love Hugh Jackman!
Karen said…
Mine is Ben Grimm (Thing) from the Fantastic Four. I always felt bad for him because he kind of got a raw deal. Sue could be invisible, Johnny could flame, Reed could stretch & poor Ben - well he was strong - but he was also a monster that only a blind girl could love.
Sara M said…
My favorite superhero is Invisible Boy from the movie Mystery Men (played by Kel). I absolutely love him because he can only use his powers if no one is looking.
Unknown said…
Batman! He walks that fine line of good and bad, he's tall, dark, brooding, and handsome! What's not to love?
angie said…
My favorite superhero is Wonder Woman. She was the first woman super hero I can think of that made us girls think we could do it too. I think I even had wonder woman under roos:) I loved her invisible jet and her lasso that would make people tell the truth. She rocks!!
Thanks for the giveaway!
email bangersis(at)msn(dot)com
Anonymous said…
Ooo, tough question...Patricia Briggs Mercy Thompson is definitely my favorite heroine. (Robert Jordan's Egwene Al'Vere would be my second place). But are either of these Super Heroes? Hmm. What makes a Super Hero? Super powers? says: "a hero, esp. in children's comic books and television cartoons, possessing extraordinary, often magical powers." Well, if I were to go more classic super-hero/villain-y I'll have to go with Faith, from Buffy (but that's really all about Eliza Dushku).
donnas said…
Batman. Really hes cool and mostly good. But definitely has that bad boy image too. Lives in an awesome city with a super cool hidden lair and gadgets and cars.
Jamie said…
I love Gambit from X-Men. The guy who played him in Wolverine: Origins was really handsome.
Brenda Hyde said…
I'm going to have to go with Wolverine. Yep. There are a lot of superheroes I love but he is one of my favorite.
whitewolfreads said…
I absolutely love the X-Men especially Wolverine, Rouge, and Storm. I hated the movies but everything else I absolutely love!
Anonymous said…
DEADPOOL. Any superhero/villain who can go roller skating in San Francisco and make short-shorts look AWESOME while being hideously scarred, wins at everything in my book.
BreiaB said…
Rogue-kick ass chick with cool hair and awesome accent

bbricke AT yahoo dot com
Sullivan McPig said…
Argh.... difficult...
I'm going for Hellboy!
He's cool and he's not an average all good superhero but has his issues and flamable temper.
SiNn said…
my fav all time super hero is

Gambit! Yes folksyou heard it here first I have a love for the card playin thrown hero of the x-men after the first comic he was in it was love at first read lol what can i say im asucker for a bad boy who likes cards
Van Pham said…
my favorite hero is superman, loved watching the old movies and even the updated version of the show smallville :)
Vickie said…
Any of the League of Justice for the teamwork they bring to the party.
Anonymous said…
Favorite super hero? Wonder Woman
Why? Duh. I'm a man, and have you SEEN Wonder Woman?

-Tom Gallier
Becky LeJeune said…
I was always a big fan of Gambit -- he's a Louisiana boy!
Tez Miller said…
I like the supervillain duo of Professor Chaos and General Disarray from South Park - mostly because I love General Disarray's name ;-)
GTPeach said…
I like Batman. He's a realistic superhero. His powers are legitimately earned through training, rather than a chance or fluke that miraculously bestow him with amazing power. He uses a combination of training, discipline, and tech smarts (which the nerd in me adores) and all his gadgets are technological possibilities. He has flaws and weaknesses, too. This makes him far more interesting.
My favorite superhero... Wonder Woman. I know, she is so well known. But I really liked how she came from a strong background and she believes in truth. She was not about beating everyone up, she was about justice. And she had some great accessories! :)

Thank you for this amazing chance to win!
Bookie said…
My favorite superhero is Spiderman. It's fun to see to a geek save the day for once.

Karen W. said…
Most definitely Buffy! If we're talking classic superheroes, though, I would go for Superman.
Martha Lawson said…
I like Superman from Smallville, cause he's cute!!

mlawson17 at hotmail dot com
Lynnette said…
I have always liked the XMen..especially Rogue and Storm. But my pick for the classic superhero would have to be Superman.
kiaras said…
My favorite superhero is.... TANK GIRL! What?? Tank Girl isn't a superhero... Well. Okay. Then I'll choose Empowered (Who was created by Adam Warren. I hope you've heard of her. She's awesome.)

But if you want traditional superheroes... My favorites are Hellboy and Catwoman. Or. Does Catwoman count as a superVILLAIN? I guess it's the not really being sure of that part that appeals to me about her. :)

Also - congrats on Shades of Grey! I can't wait to get my hands on it!
Zita said…
My favourite superhero is Batman, because he's just a regular guy with cool gadgets, not some alien or mutated/radiated/imaginated regular guy. Or maybe I'm just jealous.
Joni G. said…
Batman for me! LOVE the car, the gadgets and even the mask!
My favorite villian is The Joker! I loved when Heath Ledger played him and he's always been my favorite bad guy!
My favorite hero is Batman - he wears a full face mask, leather & hides out in a cave... HOT!
tetewa said…
My favorite super hero is Claire from the show heroes! Would be great to never be able to get hurt.
Roxanne Rhoads said…
superman- I grew up watching Christopher Reeve play this caped superhero and fell in love with him. Now Tom Welling plays Clark Kent and I am still in love with the story and the super "man" (even if the show Smallville is not as good as it once was.

I guess what draws me to superman is that he has all the power to be bad, to do anything he wants and while the other heros struggle to be "super" when they are only human he struggles to be human enough not to go bad or to do the wrong thing.
T.M. Thomas said…
Gemma Fade. A CE Murphy creation stolen for a superhero story I'll write someday.

What do you mean, rampant self-promotion isn't good for a contest entry?
Ohhh Fav Superhero or Villain....
Villain is unspeakable feline mastermind known as the Diabolical Mr Tinkles (from Cats and Dogs) if that doesnt count
My fave superhero is Super Chicken :o)
Spav said…
My favourite superhero has always been Spiderman. Loved how he "jumped" from one building to another and how he could climb anything.
Tyhitia Green said…
My favorite superhero was Superman until I heard about Storm. :-D
Anonymous said…
wonder woman THE BEST
what girl didnt want to be her?
When I was a kid I'd have to say my favorite hero was Isis. I just used to love going around and chanting, "Oh zephyr winds which blow on high, lift me now so I can fly". Now I'd have to say it's Storm these days.
Reading said…
My favorite superhero is Wolverine. But only because he's played by Hugh Jackman!

lizzi0915 at aol dot com
heatwave16 said…
As much as I love WOnder Woman, Spiderman was my first love. I've always identified with the science geek side of him.


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