I have a couple of fun things to announce:

First off, guest blogs!

You can find me guest blogging over at Richelle Mead's site, where I talk about "How young is too young?" in regards to reading, and you can also find me at Vicki Pettersson's site, talking about my rather ridiculous mental version of Las Vegas. Vicki also says such nice things about me she made me go all vaklempt.

Kat Richardson also made me blush with what she said before my guest post at her site, about truly inspirational places to live. Next, I've got a guest blog up at Kevin Hearne's Writer's Grove, regarding butts that can crack walnuts and the urban fantasy heroine. It makes more sense when you read it. ;-)

Finally, you can catch me talking NOLA cuisine over at Suzanne Johnson's Preternatura. She's even offering a NOLA gift bag as a contest prize. Fun!

I'm wandering around to other people's blogs partially because, for the month of March (and a bit of April), if you live in America you can OFFICIALLY call me cheap. Because Orbit's offering its US readers the chance to download my first book, Tempest Rising, for only $2:99. Click on the ad below for more info:

So if you want to give Jane a shot, and you live in the states, she's gorgeously cheap. Yay for cheap!


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