Why are we angry, you ask?
There's this group calling itself "The Write Agenda," who claims to be a bunch of authors looking out for other authors. In reality, we're pretty sure they're a bunch of con artists who got mad at people calling them con artists. Why? Because they attack two of the best friends an author or an aspiring author can ever have: Writer Beware and Absolute Write Water Cooler. Here's John Scalzi's breakdown of what this Write Agenda is, and why they're doing what they're doing.
For those not in the know, Writer Beware and Absolute Write Water Cooler are free services that collect information on agents, editors, and publishers. They report on things like how long agents take to respond to queries, whether certain editors are looking for certain genres, and other things like that.
They also bear the cross of a darker duty, which is warning writers when someone's a crook. Using lots of documentation, both sites build cases against those agents and publishers who do unscrupulous things: like steal manuscripts, demand payments for services rendered (a big no-no in the industry), or otherwise swindle their clients.
To make a long story short, this "Write Agenda" decided that it doesn't like such information to be known. And it attacked not only Writer Beware and Absolute Write Water Cooler, not only some of the individuals running these sites, but such random folks as the board members of the Science Fiction Writer's Association, as SFWA hosts Writer Beware. To add insult to injury, "The Write Agenda" demands these writers be boycotted.
Meanwhile, we at the League use the shit out of Absolute Write and Writer Beware. We used it querying, we still use it to gossip or to read up on people, and we will continue to use it.
NICOLE PEELER deserves to be boycotted because she not only uses both sites, but she has “Nicole + Writer Beware” tattooed across her buttocks. She wakes herself in the night shouting “Absolute Write Water Cooler!” in ecstasy. She also plans on naming her first-born child John Scalzi.
MARIO ACEVEDO Mario Acevedo deserves to be boycotted because he has trained flies to sit together, forming the letters "The Write Agenda" on piles of fresh dog shit. He takes joy when fans write to him, saying they pleasured themselves after reading his books. If Mario has any regrets, it's that he didn't take every advantage in life to demonstrate what a pervert he can be. Especially with John Scalzi, on whom he has a tremendous man crush.
J. F. LEWIS deserves to be boycotted, because he knows the F word and lets his characters use it from time to time. Worse, he owns books by the other authors on the boycott list and thinks you should, too. He even volunteers for SWFA. Obviously, he is a monster of Godzilla-like proportions.
Another Leaguer in desperate need of boycotting is MARK HENRY, known sympathizer, user of profanities and ex-lover of the Absolute Write site. Why, they used to make love until dawn. Sweet, sticky love. And by "love", I mean fucking. That's right, I said it. Fuck.
Leaguer and writer of vile paranormal porn novels MICHELE BARDSLEY deserves to be boycotted because that bitch never shares chocolate with anyone EVER, except with Writer Beware, who is her pimpdaddymack. Also, she writes romance novels wherein her characters say things like "Fuck!" and then they go and fuck. A lot. Because romance is about intimacy.
JACKIE KESSLER deserves to be boycotted for the following boycottlicious rant: “So Jackie Morse Kessler's stuff is evil enough to be an anathema to the Wall Street Journal, but it's not quite evil enough to be banned by The Write Agenda? Damn it!!! How will I ever, with all of my Writer Beware loving ways, ever get officially banned??? **channels inner Monty Python** I fart in your general direction, Write Agenda!!! You wouldn't know what to do with a Grail shaped beacon if one lodged its way up your buttocks!!! There, I said it: BUTTOCKS. Write Agenda is BUTTOCKS! Ban me, Write Agenda!!! I triple dog dare you!!! And...and...neener neener!!!”
JAYE WELLS has the audacity to insist that money should flow to the greedy word slingers who insist on making an honest wage for their "work." If that wasn't bad enough, she is also a member of SFWA, with whom she had a child out of wedlock. Poor little Remainder Wells is being brainwashed by his vampire-porn-writing mother to believe that writers are people, too. Boycott her now. Do it for the children!
KEVIN HEARNE is a member of SFWA and once sat on a panel moderated by John Scalzi, so he should damn well be boycotted by the cockwaffles at The Write Agenda. He even recycled an empty can of Scalzi's private stock of Coke Zero, so he's been well and truly contaminated with Concern for Other Writers. He occasionally frolics on the boards at Absolute Write and spends his extra time building miniature siege weapons armed with marshmallows. Boycott that fucker now!
DIANA ROWLAND deserves to be boycotted because she's Evil. (Jackie Kessler will vouch for this.) Not "ha ha she's so evil" but "Hard Core Rule in Hell Evil." Plus, she once licked John Scalzi's sausage and has the photographic evidence to prove it. Also, she once ran for office in SFWA but lost, which makes her a Scalzi-Sausage-Licking Evil Loser. Totally worth boycotting.

JEANNE C. STEIN deserves to be boycotted because she was declared a corrupter of American Youth by a "researcher" at BYU-- what, she doesn't write YA, you say? That didn't seem to matter. Maybe that researcher also works for The Write Agenda
ALLISON PANG deserves to be boycotted for so many iniquities. Purveyor of all things Hello Kitty. Writes about panty-sniffing, ass-biting unicorns. Guilty of using the phrase “Turgid Magnificence.” When she's not dreaming of daemons with deer peens, she's fantasizing about the board of SFWA--all with deer peens.
ANTON STROUT deserves to be boycotted, because he’s the epitome of “Writer! Beware!” Writer of bad sex scenes. Writer of failed sex scenes. User of words like "asspony." According to his one-star reviews, the man-child shouldn't be allowed to write at all. You can help by boycotting him! Do it now before he gets on one of his tirades about how there's room for BOTH indie publishing AND traditional publishing alike. Somewhere a self-publishing unicorn just died reading that sentence. Boycott the mofo now!
STACIA KANE should totally be boycotted because not only is she a member of SFWA, and not only has she written blog posts Writer Beware has linked to, and not only has she gotten hate email from scammers, but she's a moderator at Absolute Write. Really, she's practically a Gimme. (Not to mention her books are filled with sex and drugs and all that stuff.)
DAKOTA CASSIDY should be boycotted by The Write Agenda because she writes shitty, shitty paranormal/contemporary books with the maturity level of a twelve-year old (sorry, kiddies!). Oh, and also because she hopes to own the tiara for Miss Most Boycotted 2011 and make that bitch hers!
K.A. STEWART should be boycotted on general principal. She kicks puppies, eats bunnies, picks her nose at the dinner table, and those are her good traits. Most egregious of her sins is that she is a permanent resident of Absolute Write, where she is often found in company of a secret obscene cult that worships The Almighty Junk.
CAROLYN CRANE deserves to be boycotted because she often directs writers who are seeking guidance to Absolute Write and Writer Beware, thereby helping to deprive needy scammers of victims! AND, she draws pornographic cartoons AND wanders around in public under the demonic influence of chocolate!
KAT RICHARDSON deserves to be boycotted, because not only am I a Leaguer and a member of the SFWA and a friend of John Scalzi's but I'm so horrible I didn't even have time to write up why I'm so horrible! (but no fear, just as horrible Nicole added me in, cuz she wuvs me!)
To show their solidarity with both Absolute Write and Writer Beware, the League wants YOU to be boycotted, too. If you're a writer, BOYCOTT YOURSELF IN COMMENTS. Tell us why you deserve a thorough boycotting. If you're a fan, get your favorite author over here and get them boycotted!
All the cool kids are boycotted. Why aren't you?
If we get 100 authors to boycott themselves, we'll EACH donate $15 dollars, to be divided between SFWA's legal fund and Absolute Write. Help us put our money where our mouths are, AND GET TO BOYCOTTIN'.
Plus she has stompy AW Moderator boots. SUPER Moderator boots. That ought to be good for at least partial banning or may even a good shunning.
In short, Sue is unspeakably disgusting.
Rachel Caine is so evil that boycotting is far too light a punishment for her vampire-lovin', Djinn-bonking (hey, I'm a YA author, don't judge!), youth-corrupting ways. I say that I must be BOYCOTTED BY THE DEVIL AND JOHN SCALZI or it's just not on, people. Although I cannot compete with Diana Rowland's sausage-licking. YET.
And I just participated in a panel about writing scams. In which I did not advocate them.
Also, member of SFWA. So there.
*Lurking is what shy and reserved British authors who write about potty-mouthed sidhe fae do . . . *looks shifty*
Boycott me for the sake of eardrums everywhere!
Also I write disgusting books. There's nowhere I won't go...cannibalism, drug-dealing grandmothers....even sex for people over 50.
Also, she writes about people shooting each other, and she's been an active member of Absolute Write for years. Plus she admires Victoria, Ann, and Richard (who was left off the boycott, even though he's a member of Writer Beware, because The Write Agenda isn't even competent enough to boycott all of them).
I hear she kills kittens, too.
Now she is published and continues to engage in bad behavior by linking to Writer Beware on her homepage. She has further tainted her name by hanging out with that Tart Jan O'Hara, and we all know what SHE’S like.
Teresa's novel contains acts of incest, non-stereotypical Christians, and occasionally uses the word "fuck” both in her novels and when encountering weird boycotts by people like those who are at The Write Agenda.
Jill Sorenson should be boycotted because she read this whole post and LOLd.
She is also a known associate of Jim Butcher, and John Scalzi went to one of Jim's signing tour stops, implicating him, as well. Jim and Priscilla have been sighted squeeing over John Scalzi's brilliant works. They are enemies of The Write Agenda, virtue, and freedom!
...and she didn't even ask for beads, she luvs them so much.
They didn't have a Mardi Gras party?
Crap. Where the heck was I? And who saw my boobs?
And yes - its ARSE not Ass. And there's a U in most words. Like HonoUrable and FavoUrite and ColoUR...
Got it?
Even the captcha's joining in - I've got the word FARDLE.... how fab is that!
Also, she's an associate member of the SFWA who is working towards full membership because she wants to be completely corrupt and evil like all the cool kids.
Worst of all: her cats' food dish is empty and those poor babies are STARVING. Think of those poor, yowling twenty pound tabbies and boycott this bitch.
Also I want to sincerely thank TWA for the boost to my book sales since making their list.
They've been good to me and I appreciate it. I should set up a booth in the Walmart parking lot and hand out tracts about them.
Wait... This is about Karina Cooper, right? Sorry, sidetracked.
NOT ONLY has Karina Cooper been known to drop an f-bomb IN PUBLIC (gasp!), but she's clearly a lot of words that end with -ist. Anarchist (have you seen her hair?), activist (down with the man! power to the people!), adoptionist (she has 4 cats, 2 rabbits, and college kids that aren't hers), opinionist (and how!), polytheist (one for every occasion), antiprohibitionist (you have to ask?), querist, revisionist, verbalist (like that wasn't obvious), and most importantly...
She's laughing her ass off at WRITE AGENDA right this second. She must be one of those damned organizationists.
Of course, RWA isn't SFWA... but it's only a few graphic sex scenes and a happy ended away from THAT travesty. A little pro-action would be appreciated, WRITE AGENDA!
(This comment or one like it may post twice. Not because Karina made a mistake, but because she's THAT SPECTACULAR.)
Jennifer Dahl should be boycotted because she lives with cats and writes like Daphne du Maurier. (Her agent said so.) And she ignores sites like Write Agenda 'cause they -DoH!- have an agenda. And she likes the word 'and' and uses it at the beginning of sentences 'cause she's perverse. And she likes the word 'that', too; and uses it as much as she possibly can before the second draft. And she has two novels available on Kindle, so be sure to boycott them!
And -oh! Yeah!- almost forgot: she's a jackbooted, shock-collar wearing modmistress at Absolute Write, too. (She's the one in the low-cut red dress, wearing an eye patch and carrying a pirate sword. She likes pirates.)
And THAT'S the truth. Plllpppppbbbth!
Lisa Kessler should be boycotted for her fictional familial relations to Jackie Kessler!
And if that's not enough her first book casts a priest as a villain!
Blasphemy, right?
So... Well... Where's my boycott??? LOL
Lisa :)
I'm sooo sad I can't be boycotted ... because I'm not a published writer.
Can I be boycotted because I've read every single one of the League's books, loved and blogged about all of them on my site? And because I aspire to someday be a published author (when life stops kicking me in the ass)?
And hey, I was creative genuis and president of the Nice Buns Committee in college. Yes, I groped college men's asses in bars with my friends and held a subversive secret contest for Best Buns (with prizes!) And I swear like a trucker.
Seleste deLaney is known for unleashing her foul-mouthed rants around the internet. In addition, you never know when sex will pop up in her books...and it might be with someone other than the hero. No one is safe. To make matters worse...
her other half, Julie Particka, encourages children to sneak out at night and strip naked in the woods to go running. She's also prone to promoting the idea the love is love no matter what genders are involved. If you care about your children at all, you should boycott her for sure.
What was the statement again?! Oh hell boycott me too.
Also, in my WIP Dead Women in Love (which Melanie Jackson has called 'a splendid mix of Dashiell Hammett and Dark Shadows'), my hero has graphically-depicted raunchy necrophilic sex with both a vampiress and a frisky lady ghost. Not at once, though. Not in the current draft, anyhow. ;) Hmmm, now there's an idea...
If lurking on Absolute Write and reading posts from Writer Beware, coupled with the gratuitous use of "fuck" in all its forms and writing sex scenes that'll curl your toes earns you a boycott...then count me in!
She also features gratuitous sex in her paranormal and suspense novels. Sometimes the people engaging in carnal shenanigans are married-TO OTHER PEOPLE. Some of them aren't married to anyone at all. And not one of them goes to hell for their sinful fornication.
Last, she laughed so hard reading this blog that she deserves to be punished. She's so going to share it all over the place too.
Now I want to be an author just to be boycotted. But I think if readers can be boycotted I should be because I'll buy one book (I don't already own) of each of the authors mentioned in this post just for the fun of it. Or because I'll make Carolyn Crane-pornographic-cartoons-T-Shirts. :D
Or that I think the reason the The Write Agenda "ninjas" have quit stalking me is that I've been attending conventions and signings in my pirate costume, which includes a CUTLASS? (Not that I know how to use the thing. But I do recall Arya's observation from A Game of Thrones, to wit: "Stick 'em with the pointy end."
And I'm married to Michael Capobianco, who was SFWA President for THREE terms. I was a SFWA Office for 14 years, two of which I was Vice President. And then I became Chair of Writer Beware back in 1998.
So I say to The Write Agenda...nyah, nyah. Send on those ninjas. If you have the courage.
-Ann C. Crispin
It must be because I'm such a terrible person I have a permanent link up to Writer Beware on my blog. How DARE I?!
Can I still count as one of the 100, or am I banned for already being on the boycott list?
Well, darn it, I'm actually a member of Writer Beware. In fact, I'm the only other member of Writer Beware besides Ann and Victoria. And, I'm the only guy member too.
That's right, I'm a guy. Now, if that's not a boycott-able offense, I don't know what is.
Oh yeah, I'm also a Media Tie-in Writer. One of those types . . . we're definitely not trustworthy. (And I even wrote comics . . . ooooh.)
So, yeah, I demand to be boycotted too!
Get a share of the latest craze in book publicity! Have your name dragged in the mud! Have your books burned by whackaloons! Just think of the publicity!!!
For the easy payment of $1999 your book can be professionally boycotted by such organisations as Write Agenda, Concerned Mothers of Concerned Concetina Players, National Organisation of Soap and many, many more!
Get Banned Today!!!
Never mind that he has not yet published anything purchasable, he should be on this list in preparation for when it finally happens. He writes short stories and occasionally novels that often star icky gay people who have lives, use varying levels of profanity, hold hands, kiss, and even have sex during the course of the story. He mostly writes fantasy of some kind or another. You know, fantasy--that despicable genre made up of escapist, meaningless literature. Boycott him for that, too.
Hey, wait, I've got proof. I link to them on my website, in the advice to writers section.
Donna Andrews
And also for heartily agreeing with Suzanne Mcleod - it's 'arse', not ass!
Laughing so much from reading these descriptions!
Point is, he is not a stable man or someone you want around you. For example, he once he lit a car on fire because the owner mocked his pants--in his defense, Sean claims he didn't know the guy was in the car at the time AND that they were really nice pants. Also, he wrote this blog making fun of The Write Agenda ( where he compared them (unfavorably) to Pastor Terry Jones's cult of book burning lunatics.
Praise Tiamat,
Sean T. Poindexter
I totally deserve a boycott.
Boycott me because I've flown over the state Scalzi lives in. Because I buy a lot of books. I aspire to be a member of the SWFA, but until then I'll continue to write alien/robot YA love stories, poetry about the LHC, preach Yog's law and drink enough coffee to float a tanker.
(I've also been known to put cats in bowties. BRING IT.)
And because she has a brand spanking new "Yes to the Fuckfest" button.
She also lusts after Scalzi, recommends SWFA to everyone she knows, and detests scam artists of every make and model. So there!
Proud to be soon-to-be-boycotted
Nancy Haddock
Also, she doesn't share her espresso with anyone and listens to heavy metal music way too loud while writing.
Proud to be future-boycotted,
Jennifer Tepavcevich
Write Agenda, please find it in your hearts to boycott a poor girl who's never been boycotted. Please. Before it's too late.
Also, they sometimes think I'm the MEANEST DAD IN THE WORLD!!!! (Again, THINK of the children!)
Plus I write books I wouldn't let them read. Not until they're older. Much older. Like, I'm already dead older. (I'm THINKING OF THE CHILDREN!)
She has read books by many of the boycotted authors, and plans to buy all the rest, believes that the money goes to the author, not FROM the author, and LOOOOOVES licorice flavoured ice-cream.
Either way, she's spent years following Writers Beware and the Cooler. Hell, at least 900 of her rejections are these two sites fault (not her writing. She is an excellent writer. Her mom tells her so all the time (LIKE HER MOM READS HER WORK). Anyway, boycott a way Write Agenda, but make sure to spell my name write...
So, Write Agenda definitely does not want to boycott me. They'll never find out what they're missing! (And don't tell them. Shhhhh.)
Also, he is a lurker on AW, and has used the lessons he learned on both sites to help his wife spot job application scams before she fell for them! HE'S SPREADING THE INFLUENCE OF WB & AW BEYOND THE WRITING WORLD!
Finally, he writes science fiction AND fantasy, sometimes at the same time. The horror...the horror...
I have also (for free, gasp!) written truckloads of fan fiction whereupon I killed (not necessarily in this order) Hermione Granger, Sirius Black, Dumbledore, Snape, Lupin, all the Malfoys, most of the Weasleys and let Ron commit suicide. I did not, however, kill Voldemort. Ha! Bitches!
I am a proud member of SFWA and hover about the Water Cooler where I offer advice for (sharp intake of shocked breath) FREE, and submit my own work that is promptly dissected and I am told for the 876th time that it is not necessary to name every fucking prop I make up. Those sorry bastards, offering me good advice, what the fuck were they thinking?
Oh, and my mentor is Darynda Jones who's main character often frolics with the Spawn of Satan.
I'm fairly certain I've broken the majority of the 7 mortal sins and yet still convinced that God loves me. Probably the 10 Commandments as well.
And most condemning of all ...wait for it ...I didnt think the movie Priest sucked. I quite enjoyed it.
Because of a lot of unbelievably dishonest smears these greedy shits posted about our 35 year old agency known for nothing BUT integrity, I looked into these ne'er do well would-be pop writers and "gate keepers."
THE WRITE AGENDA had found very similar to what I found, independently. I don't care who they are. The facts are the facts.
Want a little bit of actual inside info? REAL publishers are beginning to get pretty sick of these dishonest assholes you're praising. I certainly am. If you're a real writer, you don't need silly shits like this to declare who is good and evil. It's not rocket science.
Kelby Baca should be boycotted because not only does she follow Writer Beware AND Absolute Write, she's also a lover of chocolate and icky, yucky cats! She, too, believes writers should - *gasp* - get paid good money for their work, and that piracy is - *gasp* - wrong and illegal! Plus, in her WIP she wrote about indigenous Mexicans in - *GASP!* - a sympathetic way! Everyone knows indigenous people are savages who complain too much! Everyone knows they should be grateful their people were killed off and their lands raped and pillaged by colonizers!
Oh, but that's not even the worst part! You know what other treachery she committed that's worthy of a boycott? In the same story with the *shudder* indigenous people, she has - *GASP!* - a FEEEEEMALE PROTAGONIST!!!
THIS IS SACRILEGE!!! Why isn't that FEEEEEMALE in the kitchen making babies for a horrible domineering husband?!? Everyone knows that's all wimmin are good for!!!
You know what? Kelby Baca shouldn't just be boycotted; She should also be tossed straight into the nth layer of Hell for violating God's rules for savages and wimmin!!!
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