Show Me The Line
So... I've been reluctant to post about this on my own blog, because I know the elders at the non-denominational church of which I am a former member occasionally check in on it and I'm not trying to start a fight. That bit is over and done. They won't eat with me or socialize with me and that's just not going to change. I'm not even trying to get that changed. This blog post is not about what happened. If you'd like to read more about what happened, I've answered that elsewhere (Note: the online discussion started here then here . I forwarded the link from Jason's site to Lindsay over at Urban Fantasy Land, which led to some discussion here and here . And then some folks were nice enough to blog their support here , here , here , here , and here .) But this blog is about the central question that I still have. Let me back up. I have always had problems knowing exactly where "the line" is. At Briarwood Christian School, when I was in, I don...