The League Saves Publishing!

I've been slathering my yahoo group with big gloppy spoonfuls of the recent doom and gloom from the publishing industry. I try to be optimistic about most things, but when it comes to a situation that directly effects me as a writer AND a reader, I tend to take a dip into some pretty moody waters. Particularly when it's a problem I can't fix.

Or can I?


I can BUY BOOKS. But more than that, I can buy NEW books, that makes an impact however small. I'll even give up a meal. Mass-market paperbacks are only like 7 0r 8 bucks, that's just one heart-clogging lunch to give up. And really, I could use the loss of calories. Also, if you know me, guess what you're getting for Christmas? And don't think of getting me anything that isn't on my Amazon wishlist!

Are y'all in? We can save the publishing industry and lose weight while we're at it!!!


Anonymous said…
Yesterday, I sent a rant to my buddies. Specifically two of my favorite writers are going from paperback to hardback. Frankly, I see this as lose-lose proposition. I can't afford hardback. I also lack any self control over my book habit. So I will buy these books at half price a month or so after publication. As I see it, everyone loses. I have a friend who refused to go hardback despite pressure to do so.

Having ranted, I do have one hardback and two paperbacks waiting at the bookstore. I try to buy at the local bookstore even though it means higher prices and special orders.
Anonymous said…
I will continue to buy books and hope that things improve all around. I rarely watch TV so books are my main form of entertainment. I'll do my part even if my kids have to forgo McD's! :)
Anonymous said…
My typical lunch wouldn't buy a paperback, alas. Maybe I need to start having more expensive lunches!
Anonymous said…
oddly enough I have been advocating skipping lunch (and breakfast) to my father for years now in order to buy books. Since on Wednesday and Sunday we buy Breakfst and lunch that's about $30 (give or take) we could have spent instead on say...4 wishlisted paperback books i've wanted for forever, or a paperback of my choice and a hardback of his...

Though I did just spend all my gas money on two trade paperbacks I've been meaning to get...
Anonymous said…
After Shanna Swendson posted about this the other day, I went out and bought Devon Monk's new novel. So, hopefully my mass market purchase will contribute to saving publishing!
Anonymous said…
Being the book-a-holic that I am, I added up my receipts from the last month or two of book buying, and am reporting in at having spent about $165 on new books from the local bookstore. Yes, I got carried away, I know, lol, but am definitely doing my part to save the publishing industry. :)

Way too many awesome books came out in the last few months. That's all I have to say. *blinks innocently*
Anonymous said…
Well I certainly have been doing my part in supporting the publishing and bookcase industry...:)
Anonymous said…
Im just waiting to get paid on friday to be able to pick up some books. If I didn't need new tires (mine are 6 yrs old!) my book budget would be in better shape lol. I think most of us on our yahoo groups do our part to help the book industry LOL.
Anonymous said…
About 1/3 of my paychecks end up going to Borders, so I'd say I'm helping when I can!

How bleak is it looking?
Anonymous said…
Thanks everybody!

Jackie - It's probably just as bleak as every other industry but it's something that effects us writers both as employees (kind of) and consumers of the product.

Check out Moonrat's blog for some analysis.
Anonymous said…
Oh, the book diet. I like it!!!!
Anonymous said…
I cannot imagine when I would not buy books and I just bought a new book today and one yesterday. Yesterday I bought Any Given Doomsday and today I bought Shadow Kiss.

Books, books...I need my books.
Anonymous said…
I calculated 3 starbucks coffees is one book, and said a sad fairwell to a much loved addiction to feed my book habit. Waterstones love me.
Anonymous said…
Must buy more books, Mark says so.

Like I could stop buying books.

It's like the quote from Erasmus. "If I get a little money I buy books, and if there is any left over I buy food.

Anonymous said…
Totally preaching to the choir!

Next up: force your friends and family to buy books!
Anonymous said…
Oh, I've changed things already so I make sure I can still get my books! They are a huge part of my life, including my mental and physical health, that I can't do without them. I confess tho, that I don't get hard covers at all. I could buy 3 to 4 paperbacks for a hard cover so I instead have myself wait until they are released in MM. The main problem I see now is that so many are released in trade size paperback but never go to mass market size or some do but years later! (I know of one that I bought and read in trade size 3+ years ago and just came out in MM!). So its like the publishers have to adjust a bit and I can keep buying those I want to! I buy mostly online at Amazon,Borders and Department Stores (but they don't have much there).
Where was there an article/blog in the news related to books sales down? I know what is happening with the economy but where was something said specifically about the book industry that I can read? Thanks Mark!
Anonymous said…
Let's see... I spent $85.00 the Bookfair in April... and that's only about 1/4 of the books I've purchased this year. I feel pretty good about my contribution. ;) Not that it will stop me from getting more... and more... and more... oo baby!

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