Twihard, sheeyah!

I don't think there's nearly enough discussion of Twilight on this blog, people. Anyone who has the misfortune to know me IRL (In Real LIfe) knows that I'm a Twihard. I'm not proud. It's a disease that I'm learning to live with. There's an ointment.

I heart Edward Cullen.

I used to heart Jacob Black, but I can't reconcile the fact he's played by a baby-faced 18-year-old.

Don't judge me. Love me. I need help.

In any case, here's the teaser trailer for New Moon, out November 20th. (barely restrained squee) Five billion people have already watched it multiple times.

Some fans even taped their first reactions to it. This one amused me greatly.

And that reaction? Say what you will about the books or the writing, but anything that elicits this kind of a fan/reader response is something no writer should dismiss. SMeyer's doing something right. This is why I study Robert Pattison. Uh...I mean, study the characterization and important story themes. And stuff.



Rae said…
I like your study material. It's quite nice to examine. November 20th can't get here soon enough!
Maureen McGowan said…
You cannot be faulted for being so studious.
Mark Henry said…
Have you seen this one?

I'm pretty sure this girl has a stroke.
Michelle Rowen said…
ROFL! Yeah, I just saw that clip on The Soup of all places. She's EXCITED, isn't she??
Charity85222 said…
I was at Hot Topic today and bought my NEW MOON shirt. My daughter was with me and I had to buy her one too. The attendant laughed because she could tell I was more into it than my teenager. I love that book series and have read the 12 chapters from the unpublished book several times as well. I hope more books come because 4 book is not enough for me. I heart the Cullens.

I heart lots of books though and yours are always some of my favorites. It is because of my love of the Twilight series though that opened me up to reading for fun again and now I can't get enough.
Anonymous said…
I showed my husband the preview and even he said, "That looks really cool!"
suzie townsend said…
Oh my gosh, I love the reactions of people watching the trailer. It's amazing :)
Nicole Peeler said…
I think that trailer just propelled me straight to "cougar."

And that reaction clip? AMAZING. It's like they don't know what's coming! They've read the books! The movie IS the book! And yet the surprise on their precious little faces!
Great reaction clips! :) Never thought to even wonder how other people reacted. I wasn't quite as crazy as those girls! :) It was a great teaser trailer though. :)
Vic said…
I know what you mean about Jacob - he makes me feel old - I'm only in my 20s - I'm supposed to be young!
Brooke Reviews said…
Wow the reaction clip is incredible. The fandum is nuts! :)
Mario Acevedo said…
Great post though the girlie hoopla escapes me. Must be my prodigious XY chromosomes getting in the way.
Thom said…
I'll admit it, I loved snarking on Twilight as much as the next guy. The dialog was bad and the dynamics of the Edward-Bella 'ship is truly effed up.

But I will still see this because that five seconds of werewolf pr0n at the end looks pretty bad ass.

Werewolves beating up on Vampires will always suck me in. Hell, I watched two out of three Underworld flicks and an extremely shitty Howling sequel for this reason alone.
Dara said…
I have to admit, I'm not a huge Twilight fan. I liked the first book but really didn't like New Moon at all (Bella's whining and moping got really old). But those clips are pretty cool and I love the reactions.

I do wonder how in the world they're going to do the last book...

Anyway, I may watch this when it comes to DVD just for the sake of comparing it to the book.
Unknown said…
LOL, there's no shame in it, Michelle. I adore the series and although I wasn't sure about the film when I saw it at the cinema, it's become a guilty pleasure on DVD. And yes, Edward deserves careful consideration. While you do that, I'll watch Emmett, and maybe someone else can volunteer to figure out what's with Jasper's constant expression. :)

And while I may be almost twice as old as the kid playing Jake, I'll give him props for the gym time. Very nice. ;)

I can't wait!
Suzette said…
But did you see how good Jacob looks in the trailer.....YUM!
Nicole Peeler said…
Amen, Suzette. *cougar!!!!*
GB said…
I believe I come under the realm of 'lol-fan' - I love the books because they are so wonderfully bad.

Having said that, I do feel rather like a dirty old lady when I saw the actor who plays Jacob with his shirt off in the trailer. I'm sure boys didn't look that good back in my day...

The fan reaction, however, I consistantly find puzzling. It was the same reaction girls had to The Beatles, Bay City Rollers, Duran Duran and sundry boy bands from the 90's onward. Mario, it can't be your XY chromosomes preventing you from understanding it. Unless there's something about me even I don't know about...
Unknown said…
Hi Michelle!

I too am a Twilaholic. It is a disease, didn't know about the ointment, does it cause a rash? I heart Edward Cullen and Jasper Hale. It is horrible that I have no desire to get over my addiction and have to pay my daughter to watch Twilight with me for about the 1000 time. I just can't get enough. If you need evidence, I did any entire Twilight blog and plan a New Moon blog. I know, it's a sickness. I do look for help, just not with much gusto. I'm having to much fun with the addiction, sad but true.

Dottie :)

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