Wonder Woman Wuss!
Today was the "big reveal" of Wonder Woman's costume for the upcoming TV series. Those of you who follow me on twitter might have seen me bitching about the look. Yes, the costume looks heinously uncomfortable and hot as hell, plus I worry for the poor girl's liver in that corset.

But then there's MY Wonder Woman action figure:
She looks like she's ready to kick some ass! (And possibly crush heads with those thighs of hers!)
What do you all think? Are noodle-arms all right if the superhero is sexy enough? (Yes, I might have inserted a touch of bias into the question. :-D It's my blog post. So there!)
(*Forgive me if my memory of WW sucks. It's been years since I read comics or watched the 70's version.)
A female superhero should look athletic, not like they pose for the swimsuit edition of Sports Illustrated.
As for the athletic tone? I too find it sadly lacking for a character that's supposed to have grown up learning various forms of combat with the other Amazons. But, from what I can tell from the series synopsis, the focus is going to be more on Diana Prince, struggling different identities, than on Wonder Woman saving the day, so maybe looking like a stiff wind could knock her over won't be as big a deal. *shrugs*
The more I learn about the upcoming series, the less I want to watch it.