True Blood Anticipation


Who's ready for Season Four? If you're the type who can't wait until Sunday, HBO has an eight-minute sneak peak up of the first episode. And if you've forgotten the events of the last three seasons, there's also review of the last three seasons in under five minutes.

Any predictions for this season? I don't know about you guys, but I'm really hoping for an Erik versus Alcide shirtless dance fight. How many males will get seriously injured after Sookie mouths off to the wrong super powerful being? Can Sam finally find true love with a pomeranian?

To help prepare you for this exciting premier, I thought we should revisit what was perhaps the most awesome and most puzzling True Blood promo ever.

Ooooh, Sookie, indeed.


Anonymous said…
Sadly I've never watched True Blood. We don't have HBO so I've not had the opportunity. Should I be watching? The library for which I work has the DVDs, should I check them out? Is it worth giving up a weekend to watch the show?
Christine Rains said…
I specifically got HBO for the summer so I can watch True Blood. (And to watch Game of Thrones!) I would love to see Erik and Alcide have a shirtless fight. Oh yes. I do wonder if they'll incorporate the Erik amnesia storyline in the show.
Kelsey said…
Can't believe I'm missing this season because I don't have HBO!
I am still upset about the season ending. I think the fever is gone for me.

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