Release Day Plus One
**x-posted from my blog**

Oh! And two more things!
1. Don't forget to sign up for the League Reading Challenge at Literary Escapism. In an attempt to get people reading new authors in the genre, the League has teamed up with Literary Escapism and ponied up tons of prizes. Go. Sign up. Now!!!
2. I'm still fouling up copies of my books at University Bookstore. So while you're Saving Amanda Feral you can get something out of it for yourself: personalized snark in every book you buy! You know you want to.
That's all!

Yes folks. Release Day/Week/Month/59 Days is upon us. Happy Hour of the Damned is trickling into your back pockets from bookstores all over the place (or so I'm reading on twitter and such). And there are tons of events going on to promote the release. Yesterday's Twitter explosion was very nearly overwhelming thanks in large part to Rob Thurman's big giveaway and so many retweets I was left reeling.
But it's not over yet! Today, I'm over at Bitten By Books for a 24 hour event full of Vlogs (count 'em 4!) and so much filthy interaction you'll all be in need of a shower. I'm also interviewed at Chez Casa Emma Petersen, with contests at both places so head on over and comment, interact, maybe later we can make love.
Speaking of Bitten By Books, you might notice a certain banner ad over there for the next month. In prime position. Thanks much to Rachel and my good friend Renee George for making that happen. I love it...

Now feel free to swipe that shit and put it on your blog, website, ass. Anything helps to spread the word. In fact, here's some more places to shout and enter to win stuff...
Unbound (buy Happy Hour and win the next two books in the series!)
Funny paranormal romance author Dakota Cassidy is offering up a chance to win the book of your choice if you pick up Happy Hour!
Zombie Joe has an offer you can't refuse (particularly if you live near him) and sums up what's going on with Save Amanda Feral nicely.
If you want to meet my stalker, swing by Nicole Peeler's blog for a run down of why she loves me and Amanda!
Stacia Kane is offering up cover flats of her soon to be released Demon Possessed and Unholy Ghosts!
Last, but certainly not least, Michelle Bardsley has a rockin' contest running. Check it!!!
That's it. Get to it. I figure we've got about 59 days before the reorders stop at some major retailers. Please show my publisher you want more Amanda Feral by picking up the mass market paperback of Happy Hour of the Damned. Don't wait. In a couple of months the decision will be made and done.
Here's a handy list of retailers if you'd like to shop online. If you're heading out to the stores and don't see it on the shelf, ask the bookseller about it. Hell, have them order it special. That will put it on their radar.
1. Don't forget to sign up for the League Reading Challenge at Literary Escapism. In an attempt to get people reading new authors in the genre, the League has teamed up with Literary Escapism and ponied up tons of prizes. Go. Sign up. Now!!!
2. I'm still fouling up copies of my books at University Bookstore. So while you're Saving Amanda Feral you can get something out of it for yourself: personalized snark in every book you buy! You know you want to.
That's all!