Trivia Contest!

The trivia contest at my blog is now open!

The rules are simple. Send answers for five questions about NICE GIRLS DON'T HAVE FANGS, to my e-mail address.

THEN provide a link to another blog, Myspace, Facebook, Yahoo Group, Tweet, Goodreads, or Shelfari post where you mention the release date of NICE GIRLS DON'T DATE DEAD MEN... as a good thing. You MUST come back to my blog's comments section and post those links in one response to qualify.

The first person to answer all five questions correctly AND post a link in the comments section will win a complete signed set of Jane Jameson books - NICE GIRLS DON'T HAVE FANGS, NICE GIRLS DON'T DATE DEAD MEN and NICE GIRLS DON'T LIVE FOREVER. (I will ship internationally.)

I will announce the results on Monday night.

Thanks for playing!


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