American Title IV Finalist: Trish Milburn

Trish Milburn
1) Tell us a brief bit about yourself (and please include your pen name).
I've been writing and submitting with the aim of publication since 1996. I've written in several different sub-genres -- paranormal, romantic suspense, young adult, contemporary romance. I've been active in Romance Writers of American since 1996 as well, have finaled in the organization's Golden Heart contest for unpublished romance manuscripts eight times and won twice, and currently serve as a national board member. I'm a former magazine editor and still do freelance writing and copy editing. In addition to hobbies you might expect like reading, I also love traveling by car or train and hiking. And my TiVo is my new best friend. :)
2) What's your story about in a nutshell (ooo look, it's me in a nutshell!)? Please include the title of your book.
OUT OF SIGHT is about a gal whose life as a street cop is going along as normal as you please -- well, as normal as the life of someone who can make herself invisible can be -- when an agent from a secret government agency shows up on her doorstep with a deal she can't refuse. To find out more about her missing father and the reasons behind her ability, not to mention keeping herself from becoming a government lab experiment, she agrees to go undercover at the White House to identify a potential presidential assassin working from the inside.
3) Is it true you write in a trance?
Um, no. Though first thing in the morning, it can feel that way.
4) Don't you secretly wish the other contestants would just drop out?
LOL! No. I honestly wish them all good luck. They've all been very nice, and this group has been great about getting promotion for the group as a whole.
5) What is your favorite paranormal being and why?
I started to say Superman because Tom Welling on Smallville is hot
6) Ever had a paranormal experience yourself?
I don't think so, though sometimes I freak myself out and think I see someone out of the corner of my eye -- typically when I'm home alone.
7) What's your writing ritual?
It varies, but on an ideal day I get up and check e-mail, see if there is anything pressing I have to tackle. Then I write for a couple of hours. Then I exercise so I don't turn into an unhealthy tub of lard. Write for another hour, then watch some TiVoed TV program while eating lunch. Then probably a couple more hours of writing. All through this, I take short breaks to do exciting things like pay bills or throw laundry in the washing machine or wonder how in the world my neighbor's dog can bark for three hours without ceasing and without losing his "voice".
8) How much are you going to pee yourself if you win?
LOL! Hopefully, none, but one never knows. It would be pee-worthy exciting though.
9) If you could mud-wrestle any author, who would it be and why?
Probably my friend Colleen Gleason, author of the Gardella Vampire Chronicles, so that I could make sure that her heroine, Victoria, ends up with my favorite love interest for her, Max. :)
10) What kind of underpants would your main character wear?
Hmm, never thought about it. Probably some plain cotton Hanes Her Way because she's a no-nonsense kind of gal.
11) You have to pick two cartoon characters to duke it out in a
colossal battle, Godzilla-style. Who would you pick and how would it
throw down?
Rogue and Jean Grey. I like Jean fine, but after seeing the X-Men movies I always wanted to see Rogue and Wolverine together.
12) Alliance or Horde? Peas or carrots? Franks or beans?
Okay, I had to Google the first pairing to figure out what the question even meant. Since I've never played World of Warcraft, I have no idea. Peas. Beans.
Please visit Trish at her website: