Pass the turkey (and no, I don't mean Mark)!

Well, since Dead Bird Day is once again upon us, what better time to stop and give thanks that I am not a dead bird... and to also give thanks for the bounty that is our posh life in our ivory tower stronghold known as the League of Reluctant Adults. (Actually, it's more like a Winnebago filled with stale Chex Mix and homemade moonshine, but if the Interwebz has taught me anything, it's to lie.. and lie BIG!)

1. Although you know me as the caustic one of our Fab Five, I'm gonna get all sappy for a minute. First and foremost, I'm truly thankful for my one-month old bride. Not that I married a one-month old... just that I've been married about a month... see why I need an editor? Your congratulations on that while I was busy skipping out on my LRA duties that week were touching.

2. I'm thankful for my book deal. A lot has changed for me since Ace offered to take the first two books in my series, and outside of my wedding, this has been the biggest change in my life this year. I can't even come up with something funny to say about it because I can barely keep from pinching myself to see if it's all real. And thanks to the restraining order, I'm not allowed to pinch anyone else. There...see? I had to make a joke and ruin it all.

3. How could I not be thankful for my fellow Leaguers? Honestly, to be among this great a group of fellow fantasists is a true honor. I think they gave me the Monday slot for our blogs so they could spend the week putting out whatever fires I start here, but I love them with the fierce kind of love that only exists between a Wookiee named Chewie and a man named Han. I sure hope none of the LRA say anything that will force me to rip their arms off...

4. Morningstar Farms Mini-Corndogs- I'm trying to find a way to product place them in all my books so that hopefully they'll start sponsoring me and sending me assloads of them for free. My books will eventually be like a car at NASCAR, sponsorships everywhere, and I'll sit at home on my mountain of bacon, corn dogs, PEZ, Chai tea lattes, and Chik-fil-A. (A man can dream, can't he?)

5. That sultry temptress Bea Arthur. She knows why. *wink*

6. The writing community. Be it fan, fellow writer, or one of my heroes, I've been blessed by being taken in open armed by everyone who is a part of the writing community. We're a filthy, sick twisted bunch, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Unless there was a hot tub involved, in which case I have several options stocked up in my imagination as to how that could pan out.

7. Writing panels- I've discovered I have a big mouth and I like to use it to either dispense my limited wisdom or put my foot in it. Either way, I'm a happy boy, but I found out this year that I really do enjoy talking writing with others, and that my unique position of also being on the publisher side of publishing give me a unique insight to offer when I get to panel. That, and there's a lot of drinking and cursing.

8. I'm extremely thankful of that fan out there who desperately wants to knit me Jane's hat from Firefly. I know you exist! You must! Besides, I can't have Patrick Rothfuss being the only author out there whose fans are cool enough to make him one!

9. Joss Whedon. 'Nuff said.

and finally...

10. I'm thankful for all our readers (hi gram!) who purchase our books, especially Dead To Me (2/26/08), because without you, writing them is a little less fun. I'm humbled by your exquisite taste in reading and moreso by your insistence on buying multiple copies of each of our works. To paraphrase one crazed Scientologist, "You complete us". Thanks for coming to and being part of our experience at the League!


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