It's Just About That Time...

...Is At Hand!

It's my understanding that at some of these so-called Thanksgiving dinners, families gather to give thanks publicly for the important events and people of the previous year--not mine, of course, we're heathens and far too busy huffing gas, shooting craps and burying the dead hookers to be bothered with turkeys, mushy stuffing and gratefulness. But it sounds like a bit of fun so I'll humor the masses with my little list.

This year, I'm thankful for...

1. My book deal, duh? Possibly the single most important event of my life (next to my wedding day, and that day back in 1968 when my mother squeezed me out on a metal table and then went back to reading her book).

2. The Grindhouse guys (Tarentino, but mostly Rodriguez) for dishing up the most entertaining theatrical presentation since I crammed into the back of a Pontiac Bonneville to watch the Logan's Run/Star Wars double feature at a drive-in that now serves as a swap meet for black market purses and fake Kangol hats.

3. Gillian Flynn (Sharp Objects) and Liz Williams (Snake Agent) for giving me two of the most awesome reads in a long time, almost as awesome as the wording in my book contract. Did I mention my book contract? I have one. It's real. I'm grateful.

4. Tiffany "New York" Pollard for providing my wife and me weekly entertainment in the form of hyper confrontational diva attitude. Filthy, politically-incorrect and pouty as Janice from the Muppet Show, "New York" better not find a man this time either, I'm counting on a third season.

5. My League Family. Sure we're a quintet of dangerous, demented deviants, but we act from a place of love and that should be worth something.

and last, but not least,

6. My friends and family, both online and off, without you why would I write a word?

And now...

The moment that you've all been waiting for...

ARC time...

The HAPPY HOUR OF THE DAMNED ARC contest winners are...

Cheryl "shay_writes"



I bet they're thankful. The rest of you will have to wait for the next ARC contest (that's right kids the plain blue covered books are plentiful and I'll be making another announcement soon). But for now, Cheryl and Jen email me your addresses and I'll get those books off to you after Black Friday.

Oh....Black Friday. The one day where it's perfectly acceptable to elbow the geriatric for the last pair of electric boot warmers. Who doesn't enjoy a little retail combat at 5:oo in the morning. It's totally surreal. I'm there and I'll be grateful for some handi-wipes to clean the blood off my knuckles.

Happy Thanksgiving!


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