A Couple of Announcements avec Pimpery

We interrupt our regularly scheduled Happy Hour of the Damned worship for the following announcement...

Many of you already know that Ilona Andrews has made the difficult decision to leave the League, and instead of our normal response to such an action (involving a boiling pot of oil and fondue skewers), we support her need to scale back on the internet addiction and chill. We'd probably join her if we weren't such junkies!

As a proper send off...let's celebrate the release of Ilona's Magic Burns!

No. Wait. Well, yes. Actually. It's complicated.

Ilona is releasing a brand of Magic Burns Do-It-Yourself Chemical Peel, but that's months off and not at all what we're celebrating. Here's what we're on about...

Magic Burns (the book) hits store shelves today. We know all the peeps have been jonesin' for a Kate Daniels fix and here it is, filled with hot werelion action and a smart-ass heroine that kicks more butt than an early spring flu.

We bid you good luck with this and all your books and a fond farewell, Ilona!


While I'm at it, let's figure out whose book we're going to talk about at the end of April or early May. Nominations?


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