Getting Too Old for This...

Well, not this. Not the blogging.

I'm talking about the promotions, conferences and the constantly being "on". I'm two days back from Pittsburgh and I'm still exhausted*. I can't stay awake. But I'd better. I have to drive to Seattle in a few hours to do some stock signing at the University Bookstore. Duane, the sci-fi/fantasy overlord has ordered it and I'll obey.

A word on promo items, I'm still debating whether candy and postcards are effective for boosting sales. The pens are the only things that resonate for me. Of course, the ones I ordered for RT didn't show up until two days after we'd flown out, so I've got lots for Conestoga and Orycon (the last two cons I'm doing this year). I'm thinking I'll ask for some bookscan numbers pre and post con and figure it out from there. I'm certain that being there and being personable, gregarious, available and approachable is more effective than swag. it's Wednesday and I still haven't gotten back into the writing. I did write a sex scene for Dark Rites in the Salt Lake City airport, as well as some plotting. Let me tell you, something about being surrounded by all that restraint caused the filth floodgates to open (filthgates?). The Chuck Palahniuk book I'm reading doesn't hurt either. Have you guys read Choke? I suggested it for my book club because I've loved other stuff, but this one is particularly "dirty," which I love, but I can only imagine how the other members are reacting right about now. We'll see.

*I've been trying to capture the craziness of the Romantic Times Booklover's Convention on my regular blog. So feel free to check that out.


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