Release Day Round-Up

Thanks to all that have purchased NICE GIRLS DON'T HAVE FANGS in these first few days. And to those who have left comments on my blog and web site. I still can't believe the book is out on the shelves!

Funny story: My friend called me from the local bookstore to tell me she couldn't find my book. She approached a clerk and got as far as, "I'm looking for a book by Molly-" when the clerk got this really wretched look on her face and said, "Look, we sold all the copies we had. People have been coming in all morning asking for it. We've ordered more. They should be here by the end of the week, OK? I'm sorry." The clerk turned on her heel and walked away.

Now that's what an author likes to hear! I do feel bad for stressing out my favorite bookstore's employees... They'll get over it.

Also, I will be doing an interview with Greg Dunker on WKYX, 570 AM on Thursday morning. I'm not sure when it will be airing. I'll post when I know.


Yay, Molly! *hugs my copy close*

Definitely something an author likes to hear. Hehe.
Vickie said…
Congrats! Stressed sold out of your book bookstores...good to hear!

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