I Love Modern Travel!


Yes, I am again stuck in the mutha sussin' airport. It could be worse. At least I have a bunch of freshman essays to grade!

Yes, those choked noises are the sounds of my sobs.

The good news? My suitcase is probably already in Atlanta. Don't ask what happened. I'm tired of explaining it.

But that means that in Atlanta awaits my Coffin (I have a Very Large Suitcase). It is full of fascinators, black dresses, and One Eyed Willie. Curious? You should be.

I will, almost certainly, get into some sort of ridiculous scrape involving no pants, hotel statuary, and a tribble. Have no fear! Mark Henry will undoubtedly tweet it, then blog about it, then post pictures here.

So wait for that! And in the meantime, enjoy this. It's how I feel on a number of levels.


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