I'm--Too Sexy for My Fangs--.

Baby, we're heating up the pages and the fans are lovin' it! Three Leaguers have made the cut at Bitten by Books' latest Paranormal Fiction Poll: #1 Sexiest Male Vampire in Literature! They are Richelle Mead's Dimitri Belikov, Michelle Rowen's Thierry de Bennicoeur, and my very own Vayl!

What do you say we keep our string of League triumphs going over there with a kickass vote? Your comment could win you some Bitten by Books swag. And if you come back here with a note that you voted Leaguishly, I'll pick one of you to win one of my books as well. Your choice. Autographed. Legible scrawl optional.

Here's the voting link; you've got through Sept. 11. Good luck!


I totally voted for Vayl yesterday! He was still only at 3%!!! Doesn't anyone appreciate subtlety these days?
Ellz said…
I voted to Vayl too! I liked some of the others but I haven't read RMeads books yet (i know gasp-but Blood Promise just came in the mail so I can start), love Theirry (but I secretly perfer Quinn) so Vayl won my vote! When I voted he was at 5% with 69 votes.
Wendy said…
One word: Vayl!
Wendy said…
Can we be sneaky and vote more than once? Heeh.
donnas said…
I voted for Vayl, who totally should win but sadly is now only at 4% but is in the top 4. Time for a suprise upset in the voting if you ask me.
Wendy said…
Oh man! We all voted for Vayl?? Haha!
Sapphire said…
Totes voted for vayl, because honestly who gets sexier than that! Even with his old age vocabulary, but that just adds to the effect! He better win.
Jackie Uhrmacher said…
It was a damn hard choice, but Vayl won out. Half his appeal is the name I think. Say it with me..."Vaaayl"...just rolls off your tongue. Yum...
Emily said…
Obviously voted for Vayl. Duh :)
esrazor said…
Vayl's my #1. Just wish my name was Jaz Parks...
Melanie said…
Of course I voted for Vayl--he's the only vampire that doesn't just bang people the whole book, which is rather boring AT TIMES--I wanna hear about the mission, not that. But when something between Vayl & Jaz happens, I like it because it's subtle and you weren't really expecting it. I voted for others, too, but VAYL is #1 for-like-ever!!!
Unknown said…
Definitely voted for Vayl!!! :D

Zita said…
I voted for Vayl too. Next I'm going to figure out a way to VR your books so that I can meet him. And Jaz too, of course! :ahem:
Kerri said…
I voted for Vayl! He's so awesome! plus, hes the only one vamp on the list i know of, besides Edward from Twilight, but Vayl is so much cooler. :]]
Bec said…
Voted for Vayl. As if there was anyone else I would vote for. He kicks ass!
Jixnce said…
I voted for Dimitri... xD
Anonymous said…
I definitely voted for Vayl. Mmmmmmm.... I don't even have to explain why. If you've read the books, you'll know.
Jennifer Rardin said…
Thanks for posting, everyone. And, most especially, for voting. We'd be nowhere without awesome fans like you! I'll announce the winner of this giveaway on Monday. Good luck to you all!

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