I Vant to Bite Your Marks!

Wow, that sounds like a case for Germex. Or maybe a dot-to-dot enthusiast with a slight vampire fetish on the side. In reality it's just my cheesy way of saying, "Guys! I got a new book out! Like--now!"

It's called Bite Marks. You can see the spiffy new cover over here to your right. (Vanna, if you please?) And I'd wax poetic, but maybe you'd just like to attend my launch party over at Bitten by Books instead? Because I do some some 'splaining over there. And one of the impressive array of prizes includes a set of autographed novels provided by many of the ubertalented and extraordinarily gorgeous authors who make up this very League of Reluctant Adults. Pssh, yeah! But you gotta come soon, because the contest ends at midnight, October 29th. At which point I may just turn into a pumpkin. Or something.

See ya there!


Anonymous said…
Sweet! I'm there! I'm a geek--we're known for our addiction for free sh . . . shtuff ;o)

(Currently reading Bitten to Death ironically)
Brenda Hyde said…
Went there, did that. Are you still singing your little ditty:)?
Jennifer Rardin said…
Coolness! See ya there saycheesepease!

I'm about to go running, Moonsanity, during which time I will repeat it over and over in a vain attempt to prevent hyperventilation!

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