Bring In the Funk

First things first: the winner of the "Stranger Than Fiction" contest is..


~j, your bad date story was truly horrifying, and you have my sympathy...and my ARC of Pure Blood. Email me at caitlinkittredge [at] gmail [dot] com with your address and I'll put your ARC in the mail.

Now, to the topic of the moment: I had a real funk yesterday, one where nothing got written because my brain took a vacation to Bermuda and forgot to take my writing with it. They happen, and the best I can hope for is to ride it out by doing non-writing stuff. You know the type...

  • Alphabetize everything
  • Color-code underwear drawer
  • Dust knick-knacks. And brick-a-brack. And tzchotzchkes.
  • Spend 20 minutes on Google looking up correct spelling of "tzchotzchkes"
  • Watch 14 back-to-back episodes of Law & Order
  • Learn French word for "alphabetize"
  • Cook elaborate French dish
  • Realize I don't even like French food
  • Feed dish to cats
  • Rush cats to pet hospital due to incorrect translation of recipe
  • Weed garden for 10 minutes
  • Spend 90 minutes recovering from heatstroke in lawn chair with sangria
  • Hmm, that sangria is pretty good
  • Wow, I never realize that Tori & Dean: Home Sweet Hollywood had such compelling storylines!
  • Scrub bathroom obsessively in aftermath of sangria overdose
  • Blog
And that's just the short list. I haven't even talked about organizing my pen collection or putting my comics in chronological order yet.

I'm really glad I have motivation again today.


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