It's Still Sunday Somewhere, Innit?

Okay, sorry, sorry, I was away yesterday, trapped in the Limbo that is known as Visiting All Family In A 100-Mile Radius. No, really, I love my family. And my husband's family. (That's my story, and I'm sticking with it.) But sometimes, doing the LET'S SEE EVERYBODY thing gets...stressful.

But hey, it's the price we pay by living 3+ hours away from everyone. Three long, lovely, blissful hours. Ahhh. **Birds chirping, deer flicking their cute tails**

Anyway, we went to Suffolk County on Saturday. Alllllll the way out in Long Island. In the car for four-plus hours. All I can say is thank God for the DS. It kept the Precious Little Tax Deductions occupied for the entire ride. For the most part. Well, except when they were complaining. And fighting with each other. And...

I digress. (Shocking.)

So we got to the big birthday party (three-year-old twins). The cousins had tents put up in their backyard, which kept the 90+ degree heat manageable. And there was a kiddie wading pool, and I wasn't too proud to kick off my sandals and stand in the pool, drink in hand. Ah, the glamorous life...

But the big thing about this weekend? I was supposed to see THE DARK KNIGHT. After the party, Loving Husband and I were supposed to drop the Tax Deductions off at his folks' house, and then he and I would hit the theater.

Except Loving Husband was asked to play boccie. And he did. for FORTY-FIVE minutes. Can I explain the excitement that is watching an Extreme Boccie Tournament? Sigh. So, we got to his folks' house uber late, got the kids settled...and then it was just too late for us to see a 2.5-hour movie. Because we're old farts now, and if we're getting up at 6:30 am (thanks to the Tax Deductions, who don't understand the concept of SLEEPING IN ON WEEKENDS, grrrrr), we need to be sleeping by midnight. Sigh. DARK KNIGHT for me. Whine.

For all of you who've seen it...tell me, is it delicious? Is it a kick-ass fabulous movie that I absolutely must see on the big screen? Or can it wait until DVD?


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