10 Things I'm Lovin'...

I thought I'd share a list this week. It's something I used to do quite a bit on my personal blog and then I guess, just forgot that I liked to do it. It's sort of like Oprah, only I ain't givin' you shit. So here goes...

10. CAT'S CRADLE by Kurt Vonnegut. Subtle apocalyptic scifi by a master of satire. I had never read Vonnegut before and was totally ashamed to admit it. Now I'm hooked. His style is easy and accessible while the concepts are challenging and thought provoking. Most of all, it's funny.

9. Caitlin's Street Magic cover!! What? Look at Pete! She's totally bad-ass and Jack is buff as hell. I'm lovin' it! Plus it's super dark and London-y.

8. WORLD WAR Z by Max Brooks is blowing my freakin' mind. I'd tried to read Chuck Palahniuk's oral history attempt, RANT and just lost interest, but Brooks' interview format is just clinical enough that it shocks you when a character responds with something so horrifying it sticks with you for days.

7. Dear God why did they open a Carl's Jr. down in Lacey? I can't stop thinking about their Banana Pudding shake with real Nilla Wafers crushed inside. I'd sock my Moms for one right now. Seriously. It tastes just like the pudding when my mom would make it, only cold, because I could never wait and would always snatch a big spoonful warm from the oven.

6. Fringe (Fox TV). I wasn't certain about this show from the pilot episode but now I'm hooked. If you can get past the desire to refer to Joshua Jackson as Pacey, you'll see a genuinely fun little techno-mystery adventure mash-up. Plus there's gross-outs! Oh but where is Reaper?

5. My awesome mini-business cards from Moo. The paper is thick and the color is sharp, plus I get to see Len's vision of Amanda all the time and they come with a skull on the other side. A-fuckin-dorable! Shout out to Cherie Priest for the heads up on these bad boys.

4. Zombie ARCs! In the past few weeks, I've been collecting the March zombie releases in ARC form. I have the whole set. Count 'em: 5! Oh yes. There will be much zombiness coming your way, including another comedy (Breathers by Scott Browne), 3 YAs (The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan, You are So Undead to Me by Stacey Jay, and The Zombie Queen of Newberry High by Amanda Ashby), and...oh yeah...a little smoodge of Ms. Feral. Watch for contests!

3. Speaking of Zombies, Caroline and I watched DEMONS this weekend. Not like watched them rise from the gates of hell or anything. The movie DEMONS directed by Lamberto Bava and written by the great Dario Argento! Holy Crap what an 80s cheesefest. I loved it. I gotta buy it. Rick James zombie-thing spewing pea soup? Check? Go West on the soundtrack? Check? Superawful english dubbing? You bet. Run don't walk to your video store.

2. Have I mentioned my Belizian flyswatter/flagellator? It's awesome. I've yet to come across a fly problem since I've been back. But believe you me, I'm prepared.

1. Word Wars!!! Jaye and I and our friend Leah have been battling since last Thursday on AIM in a chatroom in these short bursts of competitive writing. I've never been so motivated or frankly productive. I hit 11,500 words today. It was slow at first but now I'm hitting a stride at around 3000 per day. And!! I feel good about what I've written. Slump over!!!

What are some of your favorite things (remember nobody's favorite things are being traded here or given away, if that holds you back at all)?


Anonymous said…
I'm loving the mini cards too!!!
Anonymous said…
There awesome. And since they come in 100 card boxes I can shift the image every time I get new ones and it's like whole new design! I'm ecstatic.
Anonymous said…
Wait, are these my favorite of your favorite things or my own favorite things. I'm tho confuthed.
Anonymous said…
The moos are the awesome! Shannon got one with her cover and I was there when she opened it... so hard not to steal it!! ;)

Let's see... a few of my favorite things:

green, kermit, my husband's eyes and butt and lips (in that order), steak, cheese, writing, livejournal, books, tigers, dragons, crafting, my bff's, pumpkin anything, and mark henry, of course!!!
Anonymous said…
I love pumpkin!!!!
Anonymous said…
World War Z is among my favorite things, actually! I love that thing with a mighty and enduring love. <3

Other favorite things of mine: sushi, fine chocolate, bouzoukis, and Great Big Sea concerts.

(Also, WOW, a cover for an urban fantasy novel that actually has two figures on it! ;) Cool, though! Looks like that'll be another to go on the To Read shelf.)
Anonymous said…
I love that I got both ARCs and a cover flat for my UK cover in the mail today.
Anonymous said…
I love the mini buznez card too. Thanks for that one...and the ARC!
my favorite things- trophy cupcakes,Ricardo Amandine, my cats Yama & Durga, text messages,Team Seattle signings,diet coke and old school death rockers!
Anonymous said…
My favorite things... my Boden black coats, my PT Cruiser Convertible, my cameras, my Ovation Legend, the music of Marshall Crenshaw, Jethro Tull & David Bowie... and of course my kids and Dad (but they are not things exactly)...
Anonymous said…
Keep in mind as far as the Demons movie goes that there was a sequel, Demons 2, and you can get them both on one DVD from Amazon.com (I know because I own it):

Anonymous said…
Oh, I had a major Vonnegut thing going on at college (along with my major beer thing!). Yay that you've got the whole zombie set - I just got Breathers to add to my collection today!!
Anonymous said…
You are So Undead to Me by Stacey Jay totally rocks! I got to review it for Bitten by Books and I loved it!! And OMG! Demons is one of my husband's favorites. He had me watch it a few months ago and we have the VHS of it. The ultimate in 80s cheese. LOL! A Part 2? Say it isn't so! Although now I know what to get my husband for Christmas.........
Anonymous said…
There's also a Demons 3 but it doesn't seem to be an extension of the other two, just cashing in on the bad 80s horror craze. Remember Night of the Demons? Angela throws a party to the tune of Bauhaus's Stgmata Martyr?
Anonymous said…
OMG totally love the mini biz cards. OH and Street Magic's cover to to drool over.

Hmmm my favorite things. rotties lol, chicken quesadillas, book books and more books, turtles/tortoises, my honey's wicked mind lol.
Anonymous said…
I love turtles. On our honeymoon we had lunch on this beach where they nested. Awesome. The lizards were a little like aggressive squirells though.
Anonymous said…
Eating nestle chocolate chips by the handful. Untamed by PC & Kristen Cast filled the YA void in my life brilliantly. Blogging + blog hopping and being able to watch the unrated version of Tropic Thunder in my pj's.

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