
How are we all feeling about True Blood?

I'm still watching every week despite some WTF moments and dubious casting choices. But I can't tell you how many of my friends are watching this show. Even those that wouldn't read a vampire book if you paid them (yes, I'm working on them). I'm curious to see if the shine has worn off for people, or if everyone's still excited about it.

What say you?


Anonymous said…
I am watching simple because I love Eric --- since it is starting to deviate from the plot of the book I am not sure how I feel. I will say this.. a friend asked me what was up with the military dude from Iraq... I had to break the news that the book didn't have him (written before that). I will continue to watch it but I will have to disassociate it from the book and just enjoy whats there.
Anonymous said…
I don't have HBO, so my ability to keep up with the show is sporadic. That said, I like what I've seen so far... mostly. I'm waffly about the parts in particular that are deviating from the books; I love this version of Tara, and I'm pretty cool with this version of Lafayette as well, but the whole subplot with Jason I'm less sure about.

Though... I probably will buy the DVDs when they come out. :)
Anonymous said…
I'm still watching, but I am afraid it's veering into slasher-porn that tries rather desperately to be social commentary. "Subtle" is NOT their go-to word.

-Tessa Gratton
Anonymous said…
Oh no...I think my comment was eaten by Blogger...
Anonymous said…
Yup, it was eaten. Let's see if I remember---

Terry was in the book, but as a Vietnam vet, not an Iraq vet.

I miss Bubba. Freaky, cat-eating half-dead Elvis...

Season 2 will really show how far they're going to deviate from the plot. Sam...the Maenad...Eric...Sookie. As long as they don't rob me of my Eric/Sookie time, I'll be fine.

Ack. My last post was better, really.
Anonymous said…
I'm enjoying My Own Worst Enemy, Chuck, and Dexter... wait, the question was about True Blood.

I watched the first episode and I've DVRed the others, but I haven't even started watching season three of Heroes yet and I'm still two and a half years behind on Supernatural... so... I may be able to answer your question this time next year. Will that help?

/blink /blink
Anonymous said…
Yeah...I'm lovin' it. I haven't read the series so it's all fresh for me. And dirty, which I kinda like (you may have guessed).

Around my group of friends, we've made it event TV, we hold off a week, gather at a friend's and watch it in 2 hour blocks after dinner. Then we pretend to be shocked at the nudity.

Key word: pretend.

The last "Event show" around here was Twin Peaks.
Anonymous said…
I'm still watching, but usually On Demand because my small humans are still up when it comes on even though they should be asleep. I've been so busy lately that I need to catch up on the last 3 episodes!!
Anonymous said…
I'm still watching, though the theme song is still my favorite part. I'm still wondering about the whole Jason subplot.

Two more original episodes to go.

Tom Gallier
Anonymous said…
I never read book one--I picked up the series at no. two. So any deviation form the original plot is not a big deal for me, although I can usually tell where since I've read the rest of the series. Also, nudity, violence and profanity are three of my favorite things (cue the Julie Andrews solo). But I'm afraid some of the acting and plot contrivances make me roll my eyes a bit.
Anonymous said…
I love it. As Tanya Huff told me at a con "If you want the story from the books, go read the books again." I embrace the new vision of Sookie as it's own beast.
Anonymous said…
I'm still watching it. I'm keeping it separate from the series, so that's not my disappointment. Frankly, I think TB needs tighter plotting/writing. There was a lot of camera time wasted exploring certain things while glossing over others.

And one thing REALLY bothers me. If V-juice is so trippy/addictive, why didn't Sookie become a V addict when Bill gave her his blood back in episode 2?

And I think the whole THERE'S A KILLER LOOSE plot has taken a backseat to everything else. Sigh.

The Tara/demon thing? Hate. It.

I think the actors are doing a terrific job. Especially Anna -- because yep, I want to slap Sookie's Mary Sue face at times. And **that's** the Sookie I know and love (when I don't hate her).

I love the books. The TB series? Jury's still out. I'll probably stick around for season two to see if they found their sea legs.

(Mark, don't even get me started on Heroes. Sigh. Oh, the sadness...)
Anonymous said…
The characters didn't connect with me in the beginning, and I have to say I thought the sex and nudity was excessive (I have never had a strong desire to see Anna Paquin's rack), but the show has been steadily growing on me each week. Now I'm officially addicted. More Eric, I say!!
Anonymous said…
I caught the first five episodes when I was staying at the House of Infinite Cable, liked the show a lot.

I never read the books, so to me this was "The Six Feet Under guy doing Urban Fantasy with Vampires and Rednecks", which is just made of win.
Anonymous said…
One thing continually bothers me about the show. I'm from East Texas, and not too far from Bon Temp. So I want to know where the other blood suckers are in Sookie's world? I'm talking Mosquitos. They'll eat you alive, man. Especially at night. No one is ever bothered by bugs at night. Weird. Must be magic.

Tom Gallier, part Deaux
Anonymous said…
The shine wore off for me around episode 4 but I keep watching in abject horror. I expected some plot diviations... but this is bananas.I'm one of Sookie obsessed who own all the audio books & read all the books at least 3 times each. Who flood the forums and waited on pins and needles for every small production detail or cast choice before T.B. aired. I tried really hard but I still loathe this series. Mind you it's a good show and Alan Ball's vision is interesting. But when it comes down to it the show is nothing I hoped, want, or need it be.
Anonymous said…
I'm still enjoying it, even though this past weekends episode wasn't great. The later books/storylines are better than this first book in my opinion. Hopefully they'll stick around.

My parents watch it together, and my mom asked me if I had the books. UM YES MOM! lol I've noticed that people who have not read the books enjoy it more than those who have.
Anonymous said…
I'm loving it! It has officially become my favorite show.

Until Lost comes back.
Anonymous said…
I love the show and watch it every week, plus I have read all of the books.

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