Book Signings

Last night I went to a booksigning for Team Plano (soon to come: Team Plano vs Team Seattle cage match) friend Michele Bardsley. The event was to celebrate the release of WAIT TIL YOUR VAMPIRE GETS HOME (go buy it now, please). Michele offered snacks, coffee, prizes and a reading, plus she answered questions about the book and her writing. Fun times.

It got me thinking about book signings in general. I've found that the best author events include a reading and question portion. They're more entertaining and interactive than the author just sitting behind a card table hoping someone will want a book signed. It also helps if they offer snacks--preferably chocolate.

I have to admit that I never went to a book signing before I started writing. And it got me wondering about how often other people go out of their way to attend an author event at a book store. Unless you're a die-hard fan and follow an author's blog or web site, it can be hard to know when and where these events occur. I recently found, where authors register their upcoming events. For readers, it's a great tool because the site will send you an email letting you know of all the book events in your area each month.

So what say you? Do you attend book signings in your area? And what types of events do you most enjoy?


Anonymous said…
I'll admit, my first booksigning had to be Mr. Strout's visit and it was actually a very nice little thing; its fun to see him relax and just chat (even if I was an hour late, damn Chicago snow).

I'll go to book signings near where I live, or further if its someone on my list. Though, if I do a review, I'll wait until *after* the book signing next time. :)
Anonymous said…
I've never been to a book signing. I never hear of them except on blogs, and they are never close enough to go. Now, I could've gone to one in Plano, but I didn't know about it.

I'd really like to go to one, just to see what it is all about. And I like chocolate, too.

As for the website with lists of tours/signing...I would never check it. It wouldn't occur to me to check it. Now, if I went to a signing and won a door prize (say a new car) then I would definitly go to all that I found out about. Hint hint.

Tom Gallier
Anonymous said…
If authors can afford to give away a car with book signings, I'd seriously wonder about their choice of careers. :)
Anonymous said…
Do matchbox cars count, cause i have plenty of those to give away.
Anonymous said…
I love readings. Signings without readings, not so much. We go quite often up in these parts. In fact, we'll probably end up going to Richelle Mead's reading at Third Place Books tomorrow night, in case anyone wants to come out and meet.

There's something about reading one's own work aloud that adds a different texture to the story. Plus, you get to see where the author places there emphasis and get to ask totally inappropriate questions in public to make them blush.

Mmm. Author heckling.
Anonymous said…
That was a crazy signing, DM. I flew into Chicago.. then the snowstorm hit. Some close friends showed, we cracked open a few bottles of wine at the Book Cellar, I talked about writing, got drunk, talked more about writing.. then an hour in D showed up. Bless him for making it through the storm...
Anonymous said…
I'm off to Caitlin's at Murder One tonight. :)

It's only my second signing, so I'm still kinda excited about it all. It used to be that I'd hear about them only after the event and they were always at the other end of the country. It sucked mightily. But now that I'm in London I imagine I'll be attending quite a few signings and events over the next few years. *grin*
Anonymous said…
I so wished I was there to meet Michele Bardsley! Fun reads!I never knew of any book signing until I got on the internet, maybe 4 or 5 years ago. I knew of Suzanne Brockmann and Karen Kay/ Lois Greiman (they toured together-Both historical romance authors). Both those book signings were new to me authors and now are favorites to read! Otherwise there has been no book signings here in 5 years since I knew of them from other readers telling me about them. There are no conferences around here (I don't fly so any I would go to would be driving distance). I'm in Buffalo, and most don't realize that NYC is a 10 hour drive there for a book signing event. I love reading any sensuality of romance, along with historical mystery/fiction and urban fantasy and would go to both new to me authors and those I read! I'm unable to attend a lecture unless an interpreter for the deaf is there, but otherwise I enjoy just going up to meet them, and they having info such as book lists, excerpts, newsletter, etc so that I could take home with me after the signing to hook up with the authors site and books.

I so hope more come closer to where I am. You know what I'd love to see? Some site that has listing of authors and where they are signing books. There could be a signing maybe 4 hours from me, with a new author I haven't read, but I wouldn't have know about it, otherwise I'd love to go and get the opportunity to meet them and read their books! Do you know of any type of place that authors go to, to post by state or anything?
Anonymous said…
I love book signings and hate the feeling of missing one nearby. I have found wonderful signings at the last minute and changed my plans on the spot to go & I have planned for weeks in advance to go.

I also belong to - and joined so I have less chance of missing a signing locally.

Anonymous said…
We don't get a lot of book signings in my neck of the least, not that I know of in advance. I went to B&N last night and saw two authors packing up their goods. Hadn't heard anything about it in advance.

Short answer long, I'd love to, but they don't do a grand job of advertising around here.
Anonymous said…
I would definitely attend book signings if there were ever any in my area. I have been to only two really...I recently went to one with C.J. Box and then I went to one with the children's author Mem Fox.

I realy do wish more happened in my area because I would definitely go!!
Anonymous said…
I am eagerly waiting the day when a member of the league will come to my town for a signing. Did I mention I live in Stockholm, Sweden? You could always call it research
Anonymous said…
I've gone to lots of book signings---but then again, I worked at bookstores for six years, so that may have started it. My favorite is when they do a reading and answer questions, but sometimes just a signing can be fun. When I went to a signing Charles de Lint did, there were long lines, but he was very friendly and even complimented my earrings (that I made myself).
I love signed copies of books, but there's something even more special about having a memory to attach to them!

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