The Day Of RAGE Giveaway

So I was supposed to blog earlier, but one thing led to another, and here it is, 9:30 pm Eastern and I'm first blogging. I suck. Wait, today is the official RAGE release day, so maybe I can make it up to you! I'll give away a copy of RAGE. All you have to do is tell me who your favorite Horseman of the Apocalypse is. (Made up Horsemen are perfectly acceptable.)

I'll pick a winner at random after I return from RT. :)


Anni said…
Well, so far I only really intimately know Famine, but I do like Death .. . favorite horseman is the one on the stick pony. he's really, really fierce.

americangirlie1991 AT yahoo DOT com
ABookVacation said…
My favorite is War. Melissa Miller is the bomb, and her plight really drew me in, much more than Famine did. I do like death... my students and I had a conversation about death possible being Kurt Cobain today in class. Good times, but Melissa (War) is my favorite. I read this via netgalley, but I'd love a hard copy--love the book!
Anonymous said…
I have to go with Death... he's the ultimate bad guy. If there was a horseman for "Taxes", I still think Death would be the top dog. *nod*
robbin818 said…
I'm a fan of the Horseman I lovingly call "Stoopid". As we have effectively fuzzied up the world enough do that even the weak survive, what we are left with has a fatal case of the dumb. Teenage girls wearing pajamas to the mall, helmets protecting those who rightfully deserve a brain injury and anyone who uses the word, "irregardless" - all are signs of the coming of the end. Of the Apocalypse.
Teril said…
hehe I loved the stick horseman comic. I loved Famine.

terilhack at yahoo dot com
KayaC said…
I loved the knight clapping coconuts in Monthy Python's Holy Grail. Pass me on of those horsemen.
LadyVampire2u said…
Conquest, War, Famine and Death. All of those are powerful and dangerous. I guess if I had to pick one, I would pick Death.

LadyVampire2u AT gmail DOT com
Beverly said…
Death is my favorite!!!!
Bethany C. said…
My favorite horseman is called 'Motherhood'. This horseman is often a frustrating timesuck, but she has thousands of adorable pictures.

mariska said…
I gotta choose War ;)

Uniquas at ymail dot com
Karen said…
I have to go with Death (especially if he looks like Kurt Cobain).
donnas said…
The first one I always think of is Death on his pale horse. But War is probably what I think of as the best looking.
heatwave16 said…
I'd have to say War, as an official horseman, but for me personally its the Horseman of Computer failure. You know, the kind where you lose everything you just spent hours working on.

Claire said…
Death wins hands down. I'm still sniggering from his 'make with the famine, yo' line :)


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