Jennifer Rardin's Secrets Revealed!

Well, not all of them. Because mystery's so much more fun than "she wears pink toenail polish." But I am doing a slamma-jamma interview over at Bitten by Books this Wednesday where I give up some inside info on the Jaz Parks series (and my future plans) as well as offer some LOVERLY prizes.

So if you wanna RSVP, you can follow this link to do that, at which point you'll have gained 50 entries into the contest for one of five autographed copies of the new, mass market edition of Once Bitten, Twice Shy as well as a $50 Barnes & Noble Gift Card. Just like that. Click, click!


Adele said…
yay. They do great interviews!
Vickie said…
Have you seen the RSVPs? You're going to have fun!
Heather C said…
I signed up!!! I'm really excited about you stopping by BBB. :) I love it when the leaguers appear. :)
Jennifer Rardin said…
You're so right, Hagelrat. Their questions led to some really fun answers. At least I thought so. But I'll let you be the ultimate judge!

I'm somewhat blown away by the RSVPs, Vickie. So excited, now. Should be massive fun!

That's great to hear, Heather! I love the Leaguers too. Entertainment generally abounds when even one of them hits the room! (Not talking about myself here either. Nobody else makes me burst into spontaneous bouts of hyena-like hysteria more often, which has really cut down on my eating/drinking while reading Leaguer blogs habit!)
Taylor Marie said…
Already RSVP'd :D
I can't wait.

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