Vampire Environmentalists
Happy Friday, Leaguers! Also, Happy Earth Day.
You might ask what Earth Day has to do with a paranormal fiction blog. Well, I'll tell you. Who has a bigger interest in the earth staying beautiful than vampires? Because, hello, immortal. Who wants to live for eternity on a blackened rock covered in toxic sludge? Plus, vampires also want to protect their most precious natural resource--humans. How will they get their blood if we poison ourselves into extinction? They won't. And that's just sad.
Remember this ad?
You might ask what Earth Day has to do with a paranormal fiction blog. Well, I'll tell you. Who has a bigger interest in the earth staying beautiful than vampires? Because, hello, immortal. Who wants to live for eternity on a blackened rock covered in toxic sludge? Plus, vampires also want to protect their most precious natural resource--humans. How will they get their blood if we poison ourselves into extinction? They won't. And that's just sad.
Remember this ad?
We need to remake it with a vampire standing on a rooftop in his black cape, staring out over a smog-covered urban landscape with a lone blood tear streak down his alabaster cheek.
The tag line could read something like, "Save Mother Earth, Do It For the Undead."
What do you plan to do today to make the earth a better place for vampires?
P.S. Remember to check out my short story, "Violet Tendencies," to finally find out what happened to Valva the Vanity demon before the opening of GREEN-EYED DEMON. If that's not enough to tempt you, there's also a vampire stripper cat fight and inappropriate references to demon junk. Happy Easter!
LMAO. I love it!
What was that guy's name - the native american in the commercial? Does anyone remember? It's making me nuts.
Although I might be nuts from spending the day at Anime Boston with my 16 yr old. Imagine 20,000 people in elaborate costumes singing the Pokemon theme at the top of their lungs and you have a general idea of how wild it is...maybe.