And the Winner Is....

Drumroll please....

To refresh your memory, the assignment was:

If you could spend one unbridled night with any fictional character in the world, who would it be? Why? What would you do?

Turns out, we’re going to have TWO winners. Mario and I reviewed all the entries and here are our choices.

Winner #1. Jennifer Rinehart!

I hate vampires.

No, not just because they drink blood and defile the innocent, no, I
mean I really, really hate them.

I know what your'e thinking; what a kook, she might as well say she
hates leprechauns or dragons. But I mean it in the most personal way.

Vampires are ruining my life. So if I had a choice of who I would
want to spend the evening with it would be with Abraham Van Helsing.

Maybe he could help me rid Powell's Books of the blood sucking ghouls
hanging out around the cookbook section (don't ask me why they're
there, they just are). Sure, they look cute and non-threatening, but
I'm not willing to risk eternal damnation to get a copy of Emeril's
newest cookbook. They're at the laundromat too, I see their glowing
faces hovering over the discarded dryer sheets. The same with the
parking lot at Macy's, Bed, Bath & Beyond and my absolute favorite
store, World Market. As if they need to stock up on rattan placemats
or tiny travel sized jars of lemon curd.

In closing, I think Van Helsing would be an invaluable source of
information on slaying the undead. I have a notepad and pen ready to
take notes and an unused giftcard for Olive Garden. I hope he likes

**This one got points for sheer audacity. Who would tell two vampire writers that they HATE vampires. But she makes some pretty good arguments. Besides, we’re assuming this was written with tongue firmly in cheek, right, Jennifer? Right? Jennifer?**

Winner #2. The Tot--

I would choose Anna Strong because I like her best because she’s pretty. We would have a play date. First, we’d do ballerina dances. Then we’d go to the dinosaur museum. Then we’d going to the mall and go buy lots of new shoes, maybe some earrings too. Then we’d get our ears pierced and get our nails done in bright red with sparkles. Then we’d go to the park and play—I think she’d be really good at tag. Then we’d go to ChuckECheese. Then it would be time for bed and she’d read me a bedtime story. Anna’s really good at telling stories.

**I can hear the groans out there—but Mario made this his first pick without ANY pressure from me. Honestly. I gave him the entries in a blind judging. No names. No nothing. And think about it, how often does Anna get invited to play? (Not counting the time she spends with Lance and that’s a different thing altogether.) And except for the ChuckECheese thing, Anna thinks this sounds like a pretty good plan. New shoes and earrings and the dinosaur museum—what girl wouldn’t like to spend a day like that?**

Congratulations to the winners and thank you to all who entered. We had a lot of damned good entries, some very original, all fun to read. I think we have some writers in the audience.

Now, on to other stuff—Anna popped in to ask: What the fuck is this Zombie week thing? In her exact words: Everybody knows even the lamest vampire kicks the strongest zombie ass. Felix Gomez proves the point in Jailbait Zombie.

What can I add to that? She speaks the truth.

Also, you guys gave me a great list of writers to contact about the “rooms” series. I’ve been busy with copy-edits for Retribution and working on the new book, Chosen, so I haven’t started yet. Give me a couple of weeks. Also, as soon as Stacia and Anton and Caitlin get their acts together, I should be able to finish up with the Leaguers.

See you soon.


Gareth said…
Congrats to the winners.
Jeanne Stein said…
On behalf of the winners, thank you, Gareth.


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